Most Photogenic Winners! |
Best Mud on Face Winners! |
Wild Child Winners! |
Honorable Mention Winner! |
President's Pick Winner! |
Thank you, Contestants! |
Majestic Farewells... |
Most Photogenic Finalists! |
Other Favorite Photos! |
Thank you, Judges! |
Majestic Newcomers! |

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photos and updates as they happen! This is where you can see and
hear all the latest news FIRST!
Majestic Farewell...

River-Roo... Not long enough, sweet one... Not long enough...

Demi, Demi, oh with your eyes so blue, Demi, Demi, I've got a crush on you,
Demi, Demi, I'm so in love with you oh-oh...
Outside Farewell...
Safe journey to Crocodile Stanley (Jack) and Dolly who traveled together to their final resting place...
Most Photogenic Finalists!
We had more entries in the Most Photogenic category than ever before and our judges really had a tough time selecting our winners. Here are the seven finalists who were well in the running for ribbons:

Sparkles and his amazing shadow!


Beautiful Bonnie

Dean & Castiel


Other Favorite Photos!

Best Soaking Wet Duck: Romy

Best Attitude: Ms. Mimi

Cutest Duckling: Gem

Funniest Duckling: Gus

Best Momma & Duckling: Lola & Baby

4th Place Wild Child: Mysteri

Most Amazing Eyes: Quasimodo
Best Hiss: Axle

Best Kiss: Marigold & Violet
Best Chow Time: Winchester, Rueger, Aflack & Browning

Best Fit: Downy

Best Belly Mud: Peekachoo

Best Pea-na Colada: Dean & Castiel

Fluffiest Friends: Fleetwood & Mac

Best Lazy Day: Crackers

Best Buds : Bubba & Neno

Best Baby in a Corner: Tootsie

Most Iridescent: Sweet Jack

Best Twins: Lucille & Lucille
Thank You, Judges!

We would like to extend a special "Thank You!" to all of our judges. We know it wasn't easy picking winners when there were so many amazing contestants! Thank you for your tireless efforts.
Majestic Newcomers!

Halo, Hiro, Shiloh & Calypso

Sunny & Lolly

Archie & Pepper
Contact Us
Majestic Waterfowl
17 Barker Road
Lebanon, CT 06249
Our Newsletter
The Majestic Monthly is published 12 times per year.
Previous issues are available in our
Most Photgenic Winners!
1st Place
Winner's Name: Lucky Marisol
Submitted by: Shanti Perez

Blue Ribbon Sponsor:
Sal Lucido and Primerica Financial Services!
2nd Place
Winner's Name: Elly
Submitted by: Heather Grandstaff

Red Ribbon Sponsor:
Christina Hansen... "Duende & Darby, always in my heart. Love, your Mom."
3rd Place
Winner's Name: Petunia PuddleDuck
Submitted by: Miranda Turner

White Ribbon Sponsor:
Y-Knot Ducks Ranch
Best Mud on Face (Most Embarrassing Moment) Winners!
1st Place
Winner's Name: Sao-Ree-Dactyl
Submitted by: Shanti Perez

Blue Ribbon Sponsor:
Wendy Boucher... in memory of Sonora the gander
2nd Place
Winner's Name: Persephone
Submitted by: Lydia Yasuda

Red Ribbon Sponsor:
Sponsored by the Peretti flock--ducks who LOVE mud!
3rd Place
Winner's Name: Elly
Submitted by: Heather Grandstaff

White Ribbon Sponsor:
Brought to you by the Lipe Flock!
Wild Child Winners
1st Place
Winner's Name: Squirt
Submitted by: Miranda Turner

Blue Ribbon Sponsor:
Brought to you by Smidge's Army!
2nd Place
Winner's Name: Oonie
Submitted by: Bill Pasko

Red Ribbon Sponsor:
Brought to you by Lady Penleigh!
3rd Place
Winner's Name: Oonie
Submitted by: Bill Pasko

White Ribbon Sponsor:
Brought to you by Sir Francis!
Honorable Mention Winner
Winner's Name: Freddie
Submitted by: Shanti Perez

Honorable Mention Ribbon Sponsor:
Keep on Quackin' from Loma Rica's Motley Crew!
President's Pick Winner
Winner's Name: Sammy
Submitted by: Sarah McDougall

President's Pick Ribbon Sponsor:
John & Paree... In memory of Neo... You are forever in our hearts sweet boy...
Thank You, Contestants!
We would like to thank ALL of our contestants this year for making this the most successful photo contest fundraiser to date. We had more entries than ever before and raised over $650.00 for our sanctuary! These funds will be directed towards our next feed order, filling the tummies of all of our ducks and geese for months to come. Thank you for making such an amazing difference in the lives of our rescues!
We would also like to congratulate our first international winners--Miranda Turner from Canada with Petunia PuddleDuck & Squirt and also Sarah McDougall from the UK with her duck Sammy. Welcome and thank you for your participation!