Tree Removal & Baby Squirrels |
Rebuilding Abby's Goose Run |
The Month in Photos! |
Majestic Newcomers! |
Majestic Gift Shop |
Majestic Sponsorships |

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Majestic Photos!

Hello, Mercy-Lulu!

Sing, Senora! Sing!

Teaspoon smiles

Miracle on shore
Majestic Newcomers!



Stagger Lee
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Contact Us
Majestic Waterfowl
17 Barker Road
Lebanon, CT 06249
Our Newsletter
The Majestic Monthly is published 12 times per year.
Previous issues are available in our
Tree Removal & Baby Squirrels
We have been eyeing a handful of old trees around our pens and barn for sometime now. With a few of them dropping large branches recently, we decided now was the time to have them removed.
Two of the dying trees were dangling dangerously over our Courtyard pond pen, while another kept dropping branches near our barn and quarantine pen.
Some of you may rememeber the close call we faced in 2011 when a hurricane brought an entire limb crashing down just outside our quarantine pen--a very close miss.
After calling in a number of tree removal companies, we selected Eric's Tree Service out of Columbia to remove the first round of trees. They had the best prices, high ratings (including Angie's list), were pleasant to deal with and Eric is a licenced Arborist, which was great for us since we had a lot of questions.
Unfortunately, we soon discovered that there was a nest of two-week old baby squirrels inside the hollow center of one of the trees. We rushed them down the road to our local wildlife rehabber and then waited for the work to end.
Mother squirrels normally maintain a few spare nests in different trees and they will usually come back to try to find their babies for 2-3 days after the incident. Understanding this, we watched for her after the crew left and soon spotted her in the yard, approaching the downed tree. We immediately called the rehabber and she rushed over with the little ones.

Momma squirrel was shy and hiding up in the neighboring Hemlock tree, so we set her 3 sons and 1 daughter in the original nesting material (which we saved) on the ground at the base of the tree. Then we went into the house and watched from our kitchen window as momma squirrel slowly came down the tree to reclaim her babies.

One-by-one, momma squirrel picked up each of her little babies and carried them away to one of her other nest locations until they were all safe and sound again.
Work continued the following day, and the crew returned to remove the next two hollow-centered trees on the list. They'll be coming back this fall to cut down the last three trees that are also in risk of falling on our pens and barns. This batch is stronger, but will only hold out for a few more years, so it's best to just take them out now. In their place, we will be planting smaller and more easily managed 12-15 foot trees that will provide shade without jeopardizing the safety of our pens and animals.

We want to thank Wendy of Lebanon Wildlife Rehabilitation for the crash course on squirrel care and all of her help reuniting this little family! We also want to thank the crew at Eric's Tree Service for spotting the nest and rushing to let us know right away, so that we could save all of these babies.
Always remember to make a hearty donation to wildlife rehabbers when bringing them animals because caring for nature is neither easy nor cheap. Even though Wendy only had the baby squirrels for a few hours, she fed them, cleaned and deloused them and kept them safe and warm--quite a bit of work! It's also a great idea to think of your rehabbers at other times during the year. Find out what supplies they need and help out whenever you can.
Rebuilding Abby's Goose Run
It's been extremely hot and humid here in Lebanon CT, but the work continues! Our proud little team of two (Kim & Tony) have been very busy every weekend reconstructing Abby's Goose Run.
We've been so busy outside, we've fallen behind on our fundraising activities and are running a little low. We've welcomed in eleven newcomers in the last few weeks along with their associated vet bills. Remember, everyone who comes to Majestic is immediately tested for parasites to keep our sanctuary free from little invaders. When ducks test positive (as with Tamara and Tennille), additional medication is also required as well as follow-up fecal exams.
At this point, we're still about $300 shy of paying the sanctuary's credit card bill on August 14th. If you can donate and haven't yet, please give what you can.
We currently have 35 ducks and 3 geese residing here at Majestic with more on the waiting list to come in as soon as Abby's Goose Run is complete. We simply can't care for all of these rescues without you, so please help today & thank you to everyone who has donated so far!
