Happy Holidays! |
Holiday Goodies! |
Heated Water Bowls Needed! |
Majestic Photos! |
Majestic Gift Shop |

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Donation, please click here: Donation

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For lots of
photos and updates as they happen! This is where you can see and
hear all the latest news FIRST!
Majestic Photos!

Eager Eeben
Darling Deeta!
Sweetest Shiloh

Marvelous Mercy-Lulu we love you-you!

Lovely Lolly!

Worldly WeeBit & Laughing Laddy
Jovial Jabberwocky
Gift Shop
Visit our Majestic Gift Shop for some fun Majestic items! Proceeds from the
shop benefit our sanctuary!
Birds of a feather mug:
Contact Us
Majestic Waterfowl
17 Barker Road
Lebanon, CT 06249
Our Newsletter
The Majestic Monthly is published 12 times per year.
Previous issues are available in our
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah & Heartwarming Holidays!
Wishing you and your flock a safe and joyous holiday season!

Holiday Goodies!
Give The Gift of Sponsorship
Give the gift that keeps on giving! Please consider sponsoring
our rescued ducks and geese. Visit our Sponsorship Page to learn how!

Luck Bottle Mini Tin KeepSake Necklaces
These precious Luck Feather tins have a string-along bottle charm with a luck feather inside. What's a luck feather? A tiny, naturally molted feather from one of our rescued waterfowl--the luckiest ducks and geese on the planet!
Visit our Mini Tin Keepsake Page for more information and styles!

*Once your donation is received, goodies are packed up and brought to our local post office within 1-2 business days. We only ship on weekdays (Monday-Friday) this time of year to avoid lingering in long holiday lines. We will send you an email letting you know when your holiday gifts have shipped and are on their way!
**Okay, we may be quick about getting your goodies out the door, but please don't wait until the last minute. We're busy too and like to get all your holiday shipping done by December 15th.
***Sorry, these goodies are only available in the continental USA. Why? because in addition to extra shipping costs and post office forms, luck feathers cannot be shipped outside the country (which sounds kind of funny when you say it out loud. Go ahead--try it!).
****Did you actually read all these notes? Good for you! We're so happy that you're paying attention that Kim's going to give away one free gift to a resident of the USA who visits us on either one of our Facebook pages and posts the secret word in the comments beneath this newsletter issue. What's the secret word? Your duck or goose's name proceeded by an adjective that starts with the same letter. Examples: Jolly Jeffrey, Musical Mac, Handsome Hiro. Get how it works? If you don't have a duck or goose of your own, choose one of our rescues and decorate their name! Isn't this fun? See you there & good luck!
Heated Water Bowls Needed!
We've pulled our sanctuary's heated water buckets down from the barn loft for winter. Unfortunately, a few of our older bowls failed to light up and fight the freeze this year, so we need a few replacements.
Heated water bowls are perfect for our smaller ducks and for our special needs waterfowl, who can't comfortably reach over the rim of our taller heated buckets.
We need at least three new bowls, but a couple of extras would certainly be put to good use over the years. You'll see our favorite styles of bowls below along with convenient hyperlinks to purchase and donate them.
We use all three kinds of bowls in our pens, so you can donate whichever type you'd like depending on your budget. All of these brands are available through AmazonSmile, which means they'll donate a portion of any of your shopping to your favorite charity (hint, hint... Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary!).
Bowls can be shipped to:
Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary, 17 Barker Road, Lebanon CT 06249
Please email us (directorATmajesticwaterfowl.org) and let us know if you've donated a bowl, so we can let you know when it arrives and thank you properly!
Farm Innovators Model R-19, 1 1/2 Gallon Heated Water Bowl $19.45
Allied 5 Quart Heated Water Bowl $28.32
Farm Innovators Model D-19 1 1/4 Gallon Heated Water Bowl $30.99