Most Photogenic Winners! |
Most Comical Winners! |
Wild Child Winners! |
Honorable Mention Winner! |
President's Pick Winner! |
Thank you, Contestants! |
Thank you, Judges! |
Majestic Farewells... |
Outside Farewells... |
Best Nap! |
2018 Photo Contest Categories |
Other Contending Photos! |
Other Comical Photos! |
Majestic Newcomers! |

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Donation, please click here: Donation

Please... We need your help!

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For lots of
photos and updates as they happen! This is where you can see and
hear all the latest news FIRST!
Majestic Farewells...

Beautiful Bella, every promise I whispered, I promise to keep...

Mercy-Lulu... the funniest, fluffiest, friendliest and most loved duck we've ever known. Everyone loves Mercy-Lulu... EVERYONE... which why it was so incredibly difficult and painful to have to say good-bye to you...
Outside Farewells...

Lucy, oh the mark you have left on your dear friend Lautrec and your loving family... rest in peace, sweet girl...

Becky, ducky husband of Bruce, may you rest in peace after enjoying so many years of love from your family...

Oh, Penleigh... We were so looking forward to meeting you this summer... You are so cherished and are so dearly missed by your family...
Best Nap!
We saw some pretty sleepy faces in this year's contest, which inspired a new category for NEXT YEAR'S contest: BEST NAP! This 2018 category will be open to ALL pet ducks and geese including domesticated Mallards and Exotic breeds:

Big M


2018 Photo Contest Categories:
Most Photogenic
Best Nap
Best Mud on Face
Other Contending Photos!

Esmae was a CLOSE runner up!

Alba was our White Mallard Wild Child CLOSE runner up!

Most Amazing Wings: Livingston

Most Amazing Eyes: Danny Boy

Best Expression: Donald
Other Comical Photos!

Drinking can be hazardous to your health!

I'm not sure about this new babysitter...
Violet & Ducklings

I think I used too much Botox!

First Album Cover!
Evie, Elli, Gert, Betty, Sis & Nell

Now where is that soap?
Tom Tom's newest GPS model:
The Duck Duck

I think I'm barking up the wrong tree!

Shut up, I'm having a facial
Majestic Newcomers!





Contact Us
Majestic Waterfowl
17 Barker Road
Lebanon, CT 06249
Our Newsletter
The Majestic Monthly is published 12 times per year.
Previous issues are available in our
Most Photogenic Winners!
1st Place
Winner's Name: Elly
Submitted by: Heather Grandstaff

Blue Ribbon Sponsor:
Sal Lucido and Primerica Financial Services!
2nd Place
Winner's Name: Dean
Submitted by: Tony & Lisa Phalstaf

Red Ribbon Sponsor:
Puff The Duck
3rd Place
Winner's Name: GooseGoose Pink & GooseGoose Blue
Submitted by: Darlene Healy

White Ribbon Sponsor:
Mary Gentry... In Honor of Rilo & Ranger
Most Comical Winners!
1st Place
Winner's Name: Sko-vee
Submitted by: Dona Holmes
Caption: I'll poop if you post this on Facebook!

Blue Ribbon Sponsor:
In memory of Neo... You will always have a special pace in our hearts...
2nd Place
Winner's Name: Esmae & Hamish
Submitted by: Sarah McDougall
Caption: Erm... Are you my mum?

Red Ribbon Sponsor:
Tony & Lisa... In memory of Sammy, Derpa and Cassie
3rd Place
Winner's Name: Elly
Submitted by: Heather Grandstaff
Caption: Wreck the tree and blame the doggy Fa la la la la la la la la

White Ribbon Sponsor:
Y-Knot Duck Eggs
Wild Child Winners
1st Place
Winner's Name: Pip & Squeak
Submitted by: Lydia Yasuda

Blue Ribbon Sponsor:
Brought to you by Smidge's Army!
2nd Place
Winner's Name: Oonie
Submitted by: Bill Pasko

Red Ribbon Sponsor:
In Memory of Lady Penleigh
3rd Place
Winner's Name: Emily
Submitted by: Molly Lung

White Ribbon Sponsor:
Brought to you by Sir Francis!
Honorable Mention Winner
Winner's Name: Swanson & Penelope
Submitted by: Steph Landry
Caption: Awkward first kiss

Honorable Mention Ribbon Sponsor:
The O'Donnell Family
President's Pick Winner
Winner's Name: Lilly & Banshee
Submitted by: Tina Spencer

President's Pick Ribbon Sponsor:
Y-Knot Duck Eggs
Thank You, Contestants!
We would like to thank ALL of our contestants this year for helping us raise over $500.00 for our sanctuary! Thank you for making such an amazing difference in the lives of our rescues!
Thank You, Judges!

We would like to extend a special "Thank You!" to all of our judges. We know it wasn't easy picking winners when there were so many amazing contestants! Thank you for your tireless efforts. |