Majestic Losses... |
New Basement Infirmary |
TinTin's Tubhouse |
Denamarin Liver Protection |
Ducky Wheely Carts |
Duck & Goose Guidebooks |
Majestic Farewells... |
Outside Farewells... |
We Still Need Homes! |
Majestic Adoption! |
Majestic T-Shirts |
Gift Keepsakes for Animal Lovers |
Majestic Gift Shop |

To Make a
Donation, please click here: Donation

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Visit Majestic on Facebook
For lots of
photos and updates as they happen! This is where you can see and
hear all the latest news FIRST!
And visit us on Instagram too: @majestic_waterfowl_sanctuary
Majestic Farewells...

Sweetie-Sunny... You just had to follow your sister Lolly... We understand and we will take special care of Shorty for you lovely ladies. May you nap so often in heaven that God also wonders what your little feet might look like...

Piper... Our dear little old man... Rescued from a drainpipe as a duckling... And then we paired you off with Lilly duckling... She left to heaven before you, but now you are reunited again... Of all the Majestic photos we've taken, this one of you with your teardrop will always live in the very center of my heart...

And, Seventeen... This one we did not see coming... We thought we had so much time left with you... You spoiled little stinker, with so much love to give (even to cats!) and so many adjustments to make on the water valves. We miss you, and your trouble-making moments, every single day...

Outside Farewells...

From rescue, to Majestic adoption to a lifetime of fun and love with your new momma and duck family... Fiesty Frannie, you were so special and so FIESTY! May your quacks liven up the heavens...

Watson... One of our photo contest winners and a winner in every other aspect as well. The joy you have brought to so many with your Ask Watson moments will always be cherished by your devoted fans. Your Momma Duck LOVES you so very much... You made this world a far better place with your love, humor and quacks...
We Really Need Safe Homes!

Boomer: Male Crested mix
Considerations: Capable of limited flight

Uni: Male East Indie mix
Considerations: This little guy can fly!

Tock: Male Toulouse
Considerations: Shy and needs a home with a girl goose to love

Airline Ellie & Eeben: M/F Pekin pair
Considerations: Quacky & Love people!
Majestic Adoptions!

Congratulations, Mercury! We hear you're enjoying your beautiful new home with adorable Gina!
Majestic T-Shirts

Our new Waterfowl Memorial T-shirts and our classic Muckin' Fun for Everyone t-shirts are now being sold, printed and shipped by LOEA This change means a much bigger chunk of the proceeds are now received by our sanctuary. Thank you so much for all of your help and services, Jenn!

Gift Keepsakes

Visit our external website that features photos and descriptions of all of our Pet Keepsakes and Pet Memorial Care Packages.
These gifts are all customizable and are available in various donation levels to suit different budgets.
Please keep in mind, you still need to visit the Pet Memorial page of our own Majestic website in order to donate for yours.
Gift Shop
Visit our Majestic Gift Shop for some fun Majestic items! Proceeds from the
shop benefit our sanctuary!
Lullaby Friends Mug:

Contact Us
Majestic Waterfowl
17 Barker Road
Lebanon, CT 06249
Our Newsletter
The Majestic Monthly is published 12 times per year.
Previous issues are available in our
Majestic Losses...
We want to thank all of our friends and supporters who have checked in on us during this painful time of losing so many of our ducks and geese. With two emergency cases of peritonitis, an unexpected intestinal issue and far too many trips to the vet office with old ducks diagnosed with cancer, we are finding it very difficult to cope.
It's important that even during this utterly distressful time, we focus all of our energy onto making sure that the emotional needs of our mourning flock members are fulfilled.
Daisy Duke and Piper both resided in the pen right next to Shorty, Sweetie-Sunny & Lolly. After letting go of three ducks to cancer, we hoped that Daisy Duke and Shorty would get along. The good news is, they formed an immediate friendship, which has eased them both through their grief. While they are still moving forward in their recoveries (fostered with lots of healthy treats), they have been an enormous comfort to each other.

After Tock lost his mate Tyme to peritonitis, and we adopted out Mercury to his new home, we have moved both Uni and Boomer over to The Goose Run, so that Tock has a couple of duck companions in his enclosure. We are pleased to say, the three of them are getting along very well!
New Basement Infirmary
As we continue to brace ourselves for any special needs of our aging flock, we are making plenty of Majestic preparations.
We completely pulled down our old basement infirmary and in its place, we've been building our new one. This new area will be a little more spacious that our original one, and a little more functional as well. More photos to come as this project moves forward (don't worry, it will have a ceiling when it's done!).

TinTin's Tubhouse
The interior of our new outdoor infirmary building is looking great! Electricity has been installed, which means our ducks have air conditioning (it can get hot in there), heat lights (for winter), a vent fan and plenty of outlets for that blow-drying station.
Window safety features are being installed to prevent any predators from tearing through the screens. Overhead shelves are in the works. Splash guards have been put on the walls because... well... ducks are splashy! We will be ordering our folding wall-table and picking out our duck tub pretty soon!
Special thanks to Katy for the donation of the building and special thanks to Dean, Crowly and Marv for letting their Poppa Duck, Tony P., come over to work in some crazy heat to help us get this project moving rapidly along!

Denamarin Liver Protection for Your Patient
During some vet-prescribed treatment regimes it becomes necessary to protect our waterfowl patients' livers and kidneys from harsher medications.
Our vet used to have us give our ducks and geese milk thistle to this end. [Dosage: 10-15 mg/kg. This one dose is divided into 3 equal parts (using empty gel caps) and then administered orally every 8 hours.]
Evie was just diagnosed with a mild case of aspergillosis and a bacterial infection. This time around our vet has us using Denamarin instead of milk thistle to protect her renal system from her antifungal medication (terbinifine) and her nebulizer treatments (F10 SC).
"Denamarin combines a pure S-Adenosylmethionine (SAMe) with silybin to keep your pets liver healthy. Silybin supports the flow of bile through the liver which helps with the digestion and absorption of nutrients from your pet's diet. Silybin also helps to regenerate liver cells and may enhance levels of glutathione, an antioxidant that helps to protect cells from toxins such as free radicals."

Duck Wheely Carts
People keep asking, so here it is again:
Ducky wheely carts are available in a variety of colors and sizes. Although located in Australia, ordering is easy and the shipping is FAST!

You can even get little food and water bowl attachments to make eating and drinking easier for your special duck (or chicken)!

Great Gifts for Momma & Poppa Ducks and Geese!
For more thorough information on pet ducks and geese, check out The Ultimate Pet Duck Guidebook and The Ultimate Pet Goose Guidebook, which are both available in b&w and color versions on AmazonSmile. Each is over 400 pages and contains hundreds of helpful (and fun!) photos and diagrams.

The Ultimate Pet Goose Guidebook (b&w): $24.99
The Ultimate Pet Goose Guidebook (color): $64.99
The Ultimate Pet Duck Guidebook (b&w): $26.99
The Ultimate Pet Duck Guidebook (color): $64.99
