Photo Contest is OPEN! |
Ribbon Sponsorships |
Majestic T-Shirts |
Morty & Junebug in Florida |
Majestic Farewell... |
The Month in Photos! |
Majestic Newcomers! |
Majestic Adoptions! |
Gift Keepsakes for Animal Lovers |
Majestic Gift Shop |
Majestic Sponsorships |

To Make a
Donation, please click here: Donation

Please Help Today!

Visit Majestic on Facebook
For lots of
photos and updates as they happen! This is where you can see and
hear all the latest news FIRST!
And visit us on Instagram too: @majestic_waterfowl_sanctuary
Majestic Farewell...

Our Bridget... Little rescued kitty who has lived in our sanctuary for 13 years, protecting our flock from annoying rodents and blessing us with your cuddles and purrs for so many years. We love you and miss you so very much and promise to take extra special care of your big sister, Timmerlane, so she isn't lonely.
Your heart is so magnificent and your spirit so beautiful... Bring these things with you to God, little Brrrr-i-geet, and we will meet again one day... XXOO
The Month in Photos!

Deeta Bonita in the stream

Winston in the stream


Majestic Newcomers!

Venice, Verona & Tyme
Majestic Adoptions!

Junebug with his new brother Al!

Morty and his FIVE ladies!
Gift Keepsakes

Visit our external website that features photos and descriptions of all of our Pet Keepsakes and Pet Memorial Care Packages.
These gifts are all customizable and are available in various donation levels to suit different budgets.
Please keep in mind, you still need to visit the Pet Memorial page of our own Majestic website in order to donate for yours.
Gift Shop
Visit our Majestic Gift Shop for some fun Majestic items! Proceeds from the
shop benefit our sanctuary!
Lullaby Friends Mug:

Majestic Sponsorships!

Give the gift that keeps on giving! Please consider sponsoring
our rescued ducks and geese. Visit our Sponsorship Page to learn how!
*Sorry... Continental USA only.
Contact Us
Majestic Waterfowl
17 Barker Road
Lebanon, CT 06249
Our Newsletter
The Majestic Monthly is published 12 times per year.
Previous issues are available in our
Our Blue Ribbon Photo Contest Fundraiser is now OPEN!

This year's photo contest runs from May 1st - May 31st (closing at midnight EST).
May 1st - 7th: Take advantage of our double-the-fun, TWO-FOR-ONE Early Bird Special. During this first week ONLY, you will be able to submit up to TWO photos for a single $5.00 donation!
REMEMBER: Photos and donations must all be received within this time period in order to qualify and, as always, PLEASE send your donation and photos through at the same time, so it's easy for us to match everything together.
This Year's Photo Contest Categories:
1) Most Photogenic (open to domestic ducks & geese only)
2) Most Magnificent SPLASH! (open to domestic ducks & geese only)
3) Best Yoga Pose/Stretch (open to pet Mallards & legal exotic pet waterfowl too!)
Please click here for Photo Contest Rules.
Careful... If they look like a Mallard they may be disqualified:
If you're entering a photo of a Rouen, Welsh Harlequin, Saxony, Silver Appleyard, Grey Call, Grey Indian Runner, or Mallard duck you MUST specify their breed in your submission email. When it comes to the coloration of these particular breeds, it's not always easy for our judges to distinguish domestics from their wild cousins. In order to confirm your pet's eligibility in a particular category, please specify their breed... or else... risk disqualification.

Ribbon Sponsorships
We still have a few Ribbon Sponsorships remaining, and remember: Our panel of unbiased judges have no access to contestant or sponsor information, which means... Contestants can sponsor ribbons too!
2019 Sponsor-A-Ribbon
Most Photogenic Ribbon Sponsors:
1) Blue 1st Place Ribbon: $30.00 (TAKEN!)
2) Red 2nd Place Ribbon: $25.00 (TAKEN)
3) White 3rd Place Ribbon: $20.00 (TAKEN)
Most Magnificent SPLASH! Ribbon Sponsors:
1) Blue 1st Place Ribbon: $30.00 (TAKEN!)
2) Red 2nd Place Ribbon: $25.00 (TAKEN!)
3) White 3rd Place Ribbon: $20.00 (TAKEN)
Best Yoga Pose/Stretch Ribbon Sponsors:
1) Blue 1st Place Ribbon: $30.00 (TAKEN!)
2) Red 2nd Place Ribbon: $25.00 (TAKEN!)
3) White 3rd Place Ribbon: $20.00 (TAKEN!)
Honorable Mention Ribbon Sponsor:
1) Black, Orange & White HM: $30.00 (TAKEN!)
President's Pick Ribbon Sponsor:
1) Black & Silver PP Ribbon: $30.00 (TAKEN!)
To sponsor a ribbon, please Email us FIRST to confirm availability and then send along your Donation!
Majestic T-Shirts

Our new Waterfowl Memorial T-shirts and our classic Muckin' Fun for Everyone t-shirts are now being sold, printed and shipped by Chook Shirts. This change means a much bigger chunk of the proceeds are now received by our sanctuary. Thank you so much for all of your help and services, Jenn!
Morty and Junebug in Florida!
Our trip from Lebanon CT to Jacksonville FL cost the sanctuary $353.86. This included gas, tolls and meals.
Our adoption/rescue road trip began in Lebanon at 12:00 midnight Sunday. We made it through a tornado warning/downpour in NJ and then picked up Junebug the duck at a 95S rest stop in DE. We arrived at our destination in Florida at 10:00 p.m. Monday night and then began the journey home again Tuesday morning at 7:30 a.m. The voyage came to its conclusion at 4:30 a.m. Wednesday morning.
Kim actually had a ball at the wheel--driving most of the way up from Florida and into NJ before passing the baton for 3 hours, and then... she hopped back into the driver's seat for the last 2 solo hours of the trip home.
Even while out on the road, she was still available to help out with a ducky medical emergency involving a dog attack (the duck is doing great!) as well as working on multiple rescue situations--ensuring that all ducks and geese who needed help while she was away, still received it. Yay!
We're happy to report that Morty and Junebug are both SO HAPPY in their new and loving homes--thank you, adopters!
When we arrived home and reviewed emails and messages, we discovered that people had donated a total of $575.00 for our journey--WOW!!! You, dear ducky friends, are AMAZING! Morty and Junebug and their families all THANK YOU and we at Majestic thank you too, from the bottom of our feathery hearts, bless you all!
The extra funds you have given will be put towards our upcoming feed order for our rescued ducks and geese.