Majestic 2021 Calendars! |
Boomer Needs A Home! |
COVID-19 Update |
Majestic Farewell... |
Outside Farewell... |
We Need Homes! |
Rescued & Adopted! |
Majestic T-Shirts |
Majestic Gift Shop |

To Make a
Donation, please click here: Donation

Please Help Today!

Visit Majestic on Facebook
For lots of
photos and updates as they happen! This is where you can see and
hear all the latest news FIRST!
And visit us on Instagram too: @majestic_waterfowl_sanctuary
Majestic Farewell...

LeeLoo... Traveled to be with your best friend Waverly again... Our hearts are forever broken...
Outside Farewell...

Tamara... What a little beauty... so much personality... Your family loves you and misses you, sweet girl...
We Really Need Safe Homes!

Uni: Male East Indie mix
Considerations: This little guy can fly!

Airline Ellie & Eeben: M/F Pekin pair
Considerations: Quacky & Love people!
Rescued and Adopted!

Welcomed and adopted within days! Enjoy your safe new home, Louise!
Majestic T-Shirts

Our new Waterfowl Memorial T-shirts and our classic Muckin' Fun for Everyone t-shirts are now being sold, printed and shipped by LOEA This change means a much bigger chunk of the proceeds are now received by our sanctuary. Thank you so much for all of your help and services, Jenn!

Gift Shop
Visit our Majestic Gift Shop for some fun Majestic items! Proceeds from the
shop benefit our sanctuary!
Lullaby Friends Mug:

Contact Us
Majestic Waterfowl
17 Barker Road
Lebanon, CT 06249
Our Newsletter
The Majestic Monthly is published 12 times per year.
Previous issues are available in our
Majestic 2021 Calendars!
Make a $30.00 donation* to Majestic and get your 2021 calendar as our way of saying thank you! *Sorry... Offer valid in the continental USA only.
We can package up to 3 calendars in the same envelope, so for each additional $28.00 donation you give, we'll send up to 2 more calendars to the same address. That's $30.00 donation for one calendar, a $58.00 donation for two calendars, or an $86.00 donation for three calendars all going to the same address.

Calendars measure 8.5 " x 11" rectangle and are of very high quality--nothing flimsy about them.
For those of you who don't know, Kim has drawn over 130 special little holiday ducks and geese to fill the day squares of our calendar, so you'll never miss another Donald Duck Day, Bathtub Party Day, or National Pekin Duck Day ever again--and YES these special occasions are absolutely REAL! We didn't make them up!

Calendars feature major Christian and Jewish holidays along with a whole slew of important pet holidays as well. We even included some extra fun days like: Paranormal Day, Star Wars Day, Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day, and International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Deadline to donate is:
Midnight, EST on Black Friday, November 27, 2020
In order for everyone's calendars to arrive in time for the holidays, we must place our entire order immediately following this deadline. This means if you procrastinate and wait for the deadline to pass you by, you'll miss out. Sorry, absolutely NO late requests for calendars.
Click here to Donate!
REMEMBER to include your complete USA shipping address, phone number, email address along with a comment indicationg the NUMBER OF CALENDARS you'd like to recieve when making your donation.

Boomer Needs a Home!

Name: Boomer
Favorite Song: A version of "I Dream of Jeannie" where you sing, "Boomer-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom--boomer--ba-boom-boom-BOOM!"
Favorite Place: Anywhere there might be ladies to admire! I love quacking at the ladies!
Favorite Food: Nightcrawlers and mealy worms
Favorite Drink: Not picky as long as it's clean and as long as it's safe.
Favorite Pastime: Pacing along the fenceline and looking at all the beautiful ladies on the other side. Well, at least until I have a lady of my own... <sigh>...
Pet Peeves: Not having a lady to call my own. I'm always hanging out in the bachelor pad with other dudes. They all get adopted one-by-one and meet these great gals, but me... I'm still here... hanging out with guys. Please adopt me and give me a lady (or two!) to love...
Likes: Ladies. Have I not made this clear?
Special Qualities: I'm a little spitfire with lots of energy! I like to run around and swim, and splash and admire ladies (don't forget that!). I like doing stuff. I'm a busy guy! I am shy though, so please don't try to get too close (especially if you don't have treats to offer in trade) and please do not pick me up. I do not like that at all, thank you very much.
My Story: I arrived at Majestic in October of 2018 after being rescued from a pond where I was abandoned. What happened before that? I really don't like to talk about it, as I'm sure you can imagine. Can we just focus on a future together and leave all that bad stuff behind? Awesome.
Things You Should Know About Me: I'm a very healthy boy and an interesting mix of breeds too. First, I have this gorgeous pom-pom crest on top of my head. You gotta love that. Although I'm quite clearly part Khaki Campbell, when I go through my eclipse molt every fall, you'll also see some light stripes appear on my face that imply my super-secret Saxony heritage. In any case, I'm quite striking! Also, I prefer not to be penned with other boys if there are not enough ladies to go around. If I'm going to have a male roomie, then I think we should have at least 3-4 girls to share between us. Okay?
Special Considerations: While I can't fly far, I can get myself pretty high off the ground, especially if I get excited or spooked! This means, you can't take me outside of my pen (which absolutely most have a ceiling). I wouldn't want to fly away and get lost. No, no, no!
More Photos of: Boomer!
Adoption Application: I want to adopt Boomer!
Sponsorships Temporarily Unavailable
Due to our family's quarantine measures, which we have to take very seriously, we must limit our exposure to public places, which includes our local post office.
As displayed on our website's sponsorship pages and online form, we are NOT accompanying sponsorships with mailed gift tube packages until further notice. To avoid a pile up of gift tubes and postal responsibilities, we will not be backlogging gifts during this time. The gift tube option is simply unavailable.
We will make adjustments to our website (and post an article in a future newsletter) when the mailed gift package option is made available to new sponsors again. And... We'll have a fun announcement then too!
Of course, everyone is still welcome to sponsor our ducks and geese, but for the time being we are not offering the option of a mailed gift. Be sure to click the optoin that states, "Please do not send a sponsorship gift."
Great Gifts for Momma & Poppa Ducks and Geese!
For more thorough information on pet ducks and geese, check out The Ultimate Pet Duck Guidebook and The Ultimate Pet Goose Guidebook, which are both available in b&w and color versions on AmazonSmile. Each is over 400 pages and contains hundreds of helpful (and fun!) photos and diagrams.

The Ultimate Pet Goose Guidebook (b&w): $24.99
The Ultimate Pet Goose Guidebook (color): $64.99
The Ultimate Pet Duck Guidebook (b&w): $26.99
The Ultimate Pet Duck Guidebook (color): $64.99
