Peabody & Peter's Pond Ramp |
Valkyrie |
Charlie Chuff Chuff |
Ultimate Pet Duck/Goose Guidebooks |
Majestic Rescues! |
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Majestic Rescues!

Welcome Valkyrie!

Charlie Chuff Chuff!
Majestic Direct Placement!

Majestic Sponsorships!

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Majestic T-Shirts

Our Waterfowl Memorial T-shirts and our classic Muckin' Fun for Everyone t-shirts are being sold, printed and shipped by LOEA with a nice chunk of the proceeds being donated to our sanctuary. Thank you so much for all of your help and services, Jenn!

Gift Shop
Visit our Majestic Gift Shop for some fun Majestic items! Proceeds from the
shop benefit our sanctuary!
Lullaby Friends Mug:

Contact Us
Majestic Waterfowl
17 Barker Road
Lebanon, CT 06249
Our Newsletter
The Majestic Monthly is published 12 times per year.
Previous issues are available in our
Peabody & Peter's Pond Ramp
Now that Peter and Peabody are both 20 years old, we've had to tweak one of their ponds a bit to make life easier for them. Some of you may have noticed this change in our Facebook and Instagram posts and quite a few of you have asked about it, so... here's what we did:

It was a simple fix. We just drilled two small holes in the lip of their preformed pond liner and then bolted a small piece of drilled wood into those holes (do NOT use pressure treated lumber, which can leach toxins into the water).
After this, we just unrolled a non-slip bathtub mat over the wood. We tucked the top piece of plastic mat under a couple of the bricks surrounding their pond to hold it in place and then we rolled the mat down over the piece of installed wood. We curled the final bit of plastic mat down around the bottom edge of the board beneath the water. Because the mat shipped rolled, the plastic naturally wants to hold its shape and grip around the board.
For those who aren't following us on social media, we welcomed in a new rescued Pekin who we've named Valkyrie (because she needed a warrior's name!). She arrived at our sanctuary with a severely fractured tip of her middle toe (right foot), which is terribly infected. Suspecting osteomyelitis (bone infection), our vet has started her on 4 weeks of antibiotics along with an anti-inflammatory/pain medication. In addition, she has bumblefoot callouses beneath her left foot, which we are treating with silver sulfadiazanine cream 1% and it's improving rapidly.
On top of all this, the poor girl tested positive for capillary worms. Fortunately, it's a low count and it should be remedied easily with Panacur. Following this treatment cycle, we will re-test her poop again in 30 days to be sure they've been completely irradicated.

Because we want Valkyrie to take it easy on her broken toe (and to prevent any parasites from sneaking into our sanctuary), she is in our quarantine pen where it's nice and flat. Not wanting her to hop in and out of a kiddie pool, which could cause futher damage to her toe (or interrupt healing), we ordered her a splash pad of her very own.
Special thanks to Dean, Crowley and Marv for lending us theirs until ours arrived in the mail! At first Valkryie had no idea what to make of it, but now she likes to sit in it and splash around, especiall when we turn on the fountain feature (as long as we don't turn it up too high, which is still a little scary).
Two other ducks were dumped at the same pond and rescuers are working on getting permission from the park foreman to set up temporary fencing in order to capture them and reunite the trio. We already have a home waiting for all three girls (Daisy Dolittle & Lady Bridgerton's family!), but it will be a little while before she (and they) are in adoptable, injury-and- parasite-free condition.

Charlie Chuff Chuff
Charlie Chuff Chuff was rescued and is currently being fostered by one of our gracious PA-based adopters, but he really needs a forever home.
Charlie is a big boy and would be best matched with a sassy Muscovy female (as Scovy boys are not ideal matches for non-Muscovy and more gentle-framed female ducks). Keep in mind, not all males get along, so if you already have a male Muscovy duck in your pen, you will need plenty of space and females to prevent them from fighting over babes.
Interested families should have a predator proof pen with top cover before contacting us.

Every Momma Duck & Poppa Goose Should Have One (or both!)
For more thorough information on pet ducks and geese, check out The Ultimate Pet Duck Guidebook and The Ultimate Pet Goose Guidebook, which are both available in b&w and color versions on AmazonSmile. Each is over 400 pages and contains hundreds of helpful (and fun!) photos and diagrams.

The Ultimate Pet Duck Guidebook (b&w): $26.99
The Ultimate Pet Duck Guidebook (color): $64.99
The Ultimate Pet Goose Guidebook (b&w): $24.99
The Ultimate Pet Goose Guidebook (color): $64.99
