Blue Ribbon
Photo Contest Winners!
We want to thank ALL of our wonderful
contestants and their beautiful ducks and geese. Together
you have helped us raise over $400 for our sanctuary!
We also want to thank our panel of
judges for devoting their time to make some difficult
decisions--with so many fantastic photos, it wasn't easy
choosing our winners.
1st Prize
Featuring: Angel
Photo Submitted by: Lori Signs

2nd Prize
Featuring: Fergie & Jr.
Photo Submitted by: Claire Jaynes

3rd Prize
Featuring: Benji
Photo Submitted by: Lydia Yasuda

1st Prize
Featuring: Benji
Photo Submitted by: Lydia Yasuda
Caption: "I'm so happy I could just

2nd Prize
Featuring: Charles Dickens & Emma
Photo Submitted by: Mary Winder
"OK guys, time to play hide
and seek!
Emma and I will count to ten and everyone else go

3rd Prize
Featuring: Guapo (duck) and Macho (dog)
Photo Submitted by: Lori Signs
"Last one in is a rotten egg!"

1st Prize
Featuring: Wings
Photo Submitted by: Laura Montgomery

2nd Prize
Featuring: Smidge
Photo Submitted by: William Pasko
Caption: "I'm getting a tummy rob...
and you're NOT!"

3rd Prize
Featuring: Windy
Photo Submitted by: Lori Signs

Heat Stroke
Summer is upon us! Remember to provide your ducks and geese with
access to plenty of shade--room enough for everyone as well
as open access to cold water for drinking and bathing. Kiddy
pools get hot quickly in summer and need to be changed out
frequently to help your feathered friends beat the heat.
Waterfowl can’t
perspire, so panting is a means for them to cool off.
Insulating feathers are designed to help them stay cool in
summer and keep warm in winter, but sometimes the heat
is just too much.
Excessive panting can be a sign of the onset of heat stroke. If
your bird overheats bring them into a cool barn, basement or
air conditioned room and apply ice packs beneath their wings
for 60 seconds and then remove them again. Continue to place
them on-and-off as needed every few minutes without leaving
them in place for too long to avoid the of risk frostbite.
Duck Houses
The last of our twelve donated duck houses have been assembled. A
few of them still need custom made ramps installed, but the
ducks are already enjoying them!
Photos of our new duck houses and their
custom engraved name plates will appear in our August
newsletter. Thank you!