Tree Fundraiser |
Picnic Table |
Photo Contest |
Ribbon Sponsorships |
My Zelda |
Majestic Farewell... |
Outside Farewell... |
The Month in Photos! |
Majestic Newcomers! |
Majestic Gift Shop |
Majestic Sponsorships |

To Make a
Donation, please click here: Donation

Please... We need your help!

Visit Majestic on Facebook
For lots of
photos and updates as they happen! This is where you can see and
hear all the latest news FIRST!
Majestic Farewells...

My Zelda... Your spirit was one of a marathon runner... always first out of the gate... always first in our hearts... Run strong, sweet Zelly-Belly...
Outside Farewells...

Sammy... We have adored your precious curl from across an ocean. You have left your mark on the world and in the heart of your most amazing and loving Momma Duck...
Majestic Photos!

Piper meets the new girls!

Zelly during recovery in our sunroom

Zelly's Blue eyes...
Cozy on the floor with Zelda

Time for a stroll!

Mercy & Piper swimming!
An April Miracle!

LeeLoo napping
Connie drops by for Duck-Sitting

Her friend Big M comes along too!
And Jocamo and Treasure as well!
Majestic Newcomers!

Welcome Daisy Duke and River-Roo! These two happy-go-lucky ladies have been matched up with Piper!

Senora's two companions (M/F) have been rescued and are currently in foster care. We hope to welcome them both to our sanctuary for a grand reunion once the rebuild of Abby's Goose Pen is complete later this year!
Gift Shop
Visit our Majestic Gift Shop for some fun Majestic items! Proceeds from the
shop benefit our sanctuary!
Birds of a feather mug:
Majestic Sponsorships!

Give the gift that keeps on giving! Please consider sponsoring
our rescued ducks and geese. Visit our Sponsorship Page to learn how!
Contact Us
Majestic Waterfowl
17 Barker Road
Lebanon, CT 06249
Our Newsletter
The Majestic Monthly is published 12 times per year.
Previous issues are available in our
Tree Fundraiser
With most of our pens rebuilt (just one more to go!), it's time to plant some new foliage to shade our rescues. We formerly relied upon our Autumn Berry trees, but their rapid growth rate (about a foot a week through spring and summer) required far too much pruning.
Since we need immediate shade in our pens (no time to wait for plants and trees to grow), Gino has offered his expertise in finding non-toxic options that will flourish in our sanctuary's pens. These trees and bushes will all do well near our ponds as well as through our summer droughts.
1) We want to incorporate 5 Corymbosum Blueberry Bushes into our pens. Pride's Corner has large bushes planted in 10 gallon buckets to ensure our rescued ducks won't have to wait for their shade or their treats! These are available at $57.00 per bush.
2) We also want to plant 5 Red Twig Dogwood Bushes in our sanctuary, which also produce edible berries. Also seated in 10 gallon buckets, these can be quickly transplanted into our pens for $62.00 each.
3) We want to transplant 2 Amalankier Trees into our pens. These trees also produce edible berries, providing both shade and enrichment for our sanctuary guests. These potted 4' trees are $95.00 each.

4) And finally we want to incorporate 6 Viburnum Spice Bushes into our pens, being careful to choose a variety that yields edible berries (not all do). Price/size information forthcoming very soon, so please check back!

5) We are still exploring the option of adding 2 Dwarf Weeping Eastern Rosebud Trees to our pens as well. Information on these will also be forthcoming soon!

For every tree donated, we will mount a personalized plaque with your name and/or custom message. Name plates will be mounted on neighboring support beams in the pen where your donated tree or bush is planted!

If you would like to donate funds for any of these trees or bushes, please click here to Donate. Be sure to mention in the comments which type of tree/bush you would like planted in your honor as well as the message you would like to appear on your name plate.
Questions? Please scroll down to the bottom of our Contact Us page and use the form to send us your inquiry.
Fundraiser CLOSED! All trees have been donated--thank you!
Picnic Table Donation Wanted!
In addition to shade trees, we also want to place a picnic table in Abby's Goose Run. In addition to providing us with a nice place to take a break while working out in our pens, it will also make way for a new fundraising opportunity.
Beginning later this year, we want to open up our sanctuary for people to book tea and lunch dates with our rescued geese! Visitors will be able to donate to sit amongst the geese, making new friends while learning more about our sanctuary.
Home Depot is currently selling 6' tables for $98.00, but honestly, any picnic table would be gratefully accepted. The trick is, we need someone to deliver it to our sanctuary. If you have a truck and live nearby, this could be the perfect gift for our sanctuary.

Please scroll down to the bottom of our Contact Us page and use the provided form to iron out the details with us before you donate the picnic table.

We will mount a personalized plaque with your name and/or custom message on your donated picnic table!
2016 Duck-Duck-Goose Photo Contest
This year's contest is open and for the first time ever, worldwide photo submissions are being accepted! Eleven show-stopping prize ribbons will be awarded over three categories: Most Photogenic, Best Mud On Your Face & Wild Child.
Before entering your photo in the contest, please visit our website to review our complete submission guidelines: Photo Contest Rules.
Please Remember...
When emailing us your photo submission(s) it's important that you attach your photo (using the paperclip icon) rather than embedding it into the body of your message. Please send only ONE photo per email.
Also, be sure to include your full name, complete mailing address and full phone number along with the names of any ducks or geese featured in the photo.
And don't forget to send your $5.00 entry donation for each photo submission by clicking here: Donation

Dino & Daisy, 2nd place Most Photogenic winners!
Ribbon Sponsorships
We still have two Ribbon Sponsorships remaining. If you would like to stand behind either of them please email us to confirm availability and then donate by clicking here: Donation

2nd Place Most Photogenic $20.00 donation

3rd Place Best Portrait $15.00 donation
Be sure to let us know how you would like your name/message to appear in our July newsletter where we announce our winners. If you have a business website you would like included feel free to provide us with a hyperlink.
My Zelda
As many of our Facebook followers know, Zelda pulled out two of her external surgical pins following her first operation. She had to go in for follow-up surgery to insert an internal fixator to pin the bones of her dislocated knee back together. Sadly, she did not wake up from this second procedure.
We want to thank Dr. Otka of Noank-Mystic Vet Hospital for donating his full services during this second operation to try and help our dear Zelly-Belly walk again. Thank you also to his staff who always make us feel welcome despite our worrying.
Special thanks to all of our supporters who donated in order to give Zelly every chance in the world to make a recovery. Together, we can find peace in knowing that we did everything we possibly could to try to help her.
We also want to thank Jennifer Sunshine for donating a ducky diaper harness and being so available and supportive as we began training Zelly to wear it for the first time.
Our donors also made it possible for our sanctuary to purchase a pet stroller, which enabled Zelly to enjoy her last few weeks of life as we journeyed around our town green every day. She really loved greeting everyone who passed. This stroller will certainly help our other rescues maintain mobility and enjoy a little entertainment during their own recovery periods.
