How to Contact Us:
Please review the below list of topics covered on this page of our website to see if there is
section that pertains to your situation. If so, click on it to review directions, resources and/or links provided for you:
Rescue: Wild Waterfowl (Mallard Ducks, Swans, Canada Geese, etc.)
Rescue: Non-Flying Domestic Waterfowl (former pets who've been abandoned)
Surrendering a Pet Duck or Goose to Majestic (any duck or goose in your custody)
Medical Emergencies
School Hatching Programs & Ducklings
Pen-Building Materials & Supplies (Links to Diagrams)
Start Your Own Sanctuary (How-to Information)
Educational/School Research Project (Information
for Students)
Adoption Inquiries
Joining our E-List (Receive our Monthly Newsletters)
Updating Your Email Address (For existing E-list members)
Phone Calls to Majestic
The Ultimate Pet Duck & Goose Guidebooks
Helpful Information Right At Your Fingertips (Quick Answers to FAQs)
Questions About YOUR Pet Duck or Goose (Not Covered Above)
If none of the above-listed topics relates to your
situation, click on CONTACT FORM to jump down to the bottom of this page.
you read these instructions?
we'll just refer you back here if you didn't!
Majestic Waterfowl
Sanctuary, 17 Barker Road, Lebanon Connecticut 06249


Sorry, but we are NOT licensed and cannot legally handle any wild waterfowl. This includes Mallard Ducks, Canada
Geese and Swans (among others).
If you need assistance with a wild duck,
goose or swan, please contact your local veterinarians for the names of certified wildlife
rehabbers in your area.
You can can also click here:
Wild Rescue Links or here:
CT Wildlife Rehabbers for help.
Click here for a
Wildlife Rehabilitator State-By-State Listing.
THEN... Click on "Emergency." Then on
Rehabilitator." Complete the form for a listing of certified
rehabbers near you. Please remember to donate to
them for helping!

If you are looking to see if Majestic can take in confirmed female ducks or geese after you rescue them, please follow this link:
Rescue Information & Form
Please note: Any waterfowl already in your
care, no matter the circumstance, is considered an Owner Surrender.
If you are trying
to assist abandoned domestic ducks or geese, but need information on how to get permission or safely catch them, you can
click on: Rescue
Healthy Female Adult Ducks ONLY 
Please understand, we can no longer accept any male ducks, male geese, or any Muscovy ducks (either gender) into our sanctuary. We also cannot welcome in any ducklings or goslings without confirming they are females first. This applies to everyone and includes all circumstances. Going forward, we only accept HEALTHY, FEMALE domestic ducks (and occasionally, 1-2 female geese) as owner surrenders and we can't take everyone, so there is no guarantee we can help you at this time.
As part of our retirement plan, we will be closing down our sanctuary in the year 2030. In order to ensure that our sanctuary guests are all adopted or have ended their long lives here before this estimated closure, we need to be careful about who we accept into our sanctuary to be certain they will receive a lifetime of care.
Because male ducks don't tend to be adopted and often live for 10-17 years at our sanctuary, we will no longer be able to accept boys into our care or else they risk having no place to retire in their old age.
Because Muscovy ducks (both male and females) do not tend to be adopted and often live 10-15 years in our care, we will no longer be able to accept them into our sanctuary.
Because Geese live 20+ years and tend to reside at our sanctuary for an average of 7 years before finding their new homes, we are currently limiting ourselves to 1-2 female geese at any one time.

SURRENDERING A PET (Including ANY duck or
goose in your custody)

Healthy Female Adult Ducks ONLY 
Please understand, as part of our retirement plan, we can no longer accept any male ducks (drakes), male geese (ganders), or any Muscovy ducks (either gender) into our sanctuary. We also cannot welcome in any ducklings/goslings without confirming they are females first. This applies to everyone and includes all circumstances. Going forward, we only accept HEALTHY, FEMALE domestic ducks (and occasionally, 1-2 female geese) as owner surrenders and we can't take everyone, so there is no guarantee we can help you at this time.
If you are
contacting us to surrender your HEALTHY, ADULT, FEMALE DUCK OR GOOSE please click Owner Surrender to review vital information and to complete our online
Owner Surrender form. This
form is for any duck in your custody, for
any reason, even
those who have been rescued.

Please understand, we are not veterinarians. If you contact us regarding a medical situation regarding your pet duck
or goose, we are going to advise you to contact
a vet for assistance.
Visit our Vet Finder
if you need help finding a vet who handles
waterfowl in your area.
Some helpful medical articles can be found
Here, or you can
click to visit our
Chart, but neither are a substitute for quality vet care.

We get quite a few requests to take
in ducklings from school hatching projects. Please
understand our unwavering position regarding this
It is against our mission statement
to perpetuate the cycle of waterfowl abandonment. This
means we cannot give teachers a means of disposing of
their unwanted classroom-hatched ducklings without
repercussion. To do so would risk future repeat offenses
leading to more homeless ducklings. For this reason, we
won’t even consider taking in classroom-hatched
ducklings unless:
1) There are only 1-2 ducklings
involved and they are (we simply cannot accommodate any more than
two ducklings).
2) We have enough room in our
sanctuary for the ducklings and they are both vet-confirmed females (unless they are old enough where we can confirm their gender, which is possible by voice when they are around 6-7 weeks old).
3) The person contacting us for
help (YOU!) is willing to confront the teacher
and school system in a professional manner to help put a
stop to their Irresponsible
Hatching Program and Sample Letter.
4) The person contacting us for
help (YOU again!) needs to provide us with the
name, phone number and mailing address of the school
where the ducklings were hatched,
along with the full names of the teacher, science chair
person, principal and school superintendant. In more
severe cases (involving animal neglect or abuse) we may
also require the name & address of the Animal Control
Officer functioning in the municipality of the school.
We will use this information to
follow your official protest to the teacher & school
with a Letter of our own to
punctuate your efforts.
The bottom line in reference to
school hatching programs is YOU need to be
willing to step up and put a stop to the problem, so we
can step in and help out too.


Want to know what products work for us? Take a
peek at our Wish List
and Pen Building
to see the common items, supplies and building
materials we use around our sanctuary.


We are occasionally contacted by people who are
interested in opening their own waterfowl
sanctuary. For general information/advice of
this nature, please
click on
Start-Up FAQs.


We receive quite a few requests asking us to
participate in educational / school research
projects regarding our sanctuary as a business
operation. Before contacting us for assistance
with a project interview, please
click on
School Research Projects.


Our Adoption Profiles are ALWAYS
up to date! If you see birds listed as
adoptable, then they are here and waiting for
their new home.
If you are interested in adopting our waterfowl,
or have a question about adopting, please review
our Adoption FAQ to
learn more about our requirements.
Interested adopters will need to complete our
online Adoption


You too
can receive our monthly newsletters.
Visit our
Elist Page
for more information and then follow the simple


Need to update your new email address
with us, so you can continue receiving our monthly
newsletters? It's easy!
1. Visit our
2. Enter your name & OLD email address,
then bullet: "Remove me from the email list" and
click on the "Remove Me" button.
3. Hit your browser's back arrow to
return to our
Elist Page
4. Enter your name & NEW email address
then bullet: "Add me to the email list" and click on the
"Add Me" button.


Sorry, no phone calls please...
We don't list our telephone number on this
website because our sanctuary doesn't have a
phone line, or the staffing available to handle
calls even if we did have one.
Unfortunately, phone calls to the Link family's
private residence proved itself very disruptive
in the past and had to be taken down, so they
could enjoy a bit of quiet time with their
We're sure you'll soon agree that getting in
touch with us via email, using our website's
Contact Form, is the most practical and time-efficient
means of receiving a helpful, same-day response.
This direct approach enables us to give you
thorough and detailed replies that often include
helpful hyperlinks, articles, diagrams,
photographs and/or other useful information,
which we simply can't give you over the phone.
We're sorry for any inconvenience this may
cause, but Kim is our only fulltime volunteer
and we keep her EXTREMELY
BUSY. She sets aside specific times to
manage emails, website updates, Quickbooks
entries and various other vital computer tasks,
which she tends to do all at once (you should
see all the windows she has open on her
computer!). As you can imagine, all this
multitasking requires a great deal of
concentration and is more easily accomplished
without the interruption of phone calls.
If you plan to use our Contact Form to request a
phone call, please keep in mind, because of time
constraints, Kim is usually only humanly able
to return calls to:
We ONLY return calls to:
1. Animal Control Officers, Police Officers, Firefighters
& Veterinarians.
2. Humane Society & SPCA personnel &
other confirmed rescue shelters.
3. Families who have Adopted ducks or geese from us
and need related advice.
4. Waterfowl rescuers with an established &
standing relationship with us.
Thank you for your

Containing over 400 pages of information, including more than 150 full color photos, diagrams and inspiring anecdotes, these guidebooks hold the
answers to every question Majestic has ever been asked about
how to properly care and provide for pet ducks and geese. These beautiful guides
are simply a MUST for any family that
includes a pet duck or goose! (also available in B&W)

Click Here
for more information and to order!
*Please do NOT
send book orders or payments directly to Majestic!


Have you checked our Newsletter Archives? We publish a monthly newsletter with vital
health information you won't find anywhere else.
The answers to most waterfowl concerns can be
found in these archives, so please check here
first before contacting us. Links to helpful medical articles can
also be found
here: Helpful
Care & Medical Articles.
You can also SCROLL UP and type
key words into our "search this website" feature.
MAJESTIC ADOPTERS: All of our adopting families who have any of our Majestic ducks or geese currently in your custody are ALWAYS welcome to FREE around-the-clock advice regarding any of your feathered friends. You are our top priority! Email us directly, or use the Contact Form below to get in touch with us (or call if you have an emergency).
Kim is Our Volunteer, Not Yours! Kim is our President and Director, responsible for nearly all day-to-day sanctuary operations including animal care, pen maintenance, pen building, vet appointments, supply ordering, fundraising, rescuing, adoptions, website maintenance, PR, bookkeeping and much, MUCH more. She has an extremely heavy workload (in addition to a family and a writing career).
While we are a non-profit sanctuary and Kim does not draw any kind of salary or benfefits for her work here (aside from ducky hugs!), this does NOT mean that she is available to volunteer for YOU.
As much as she wants to help, Kim is neither your personal research assistant, nor a substitute for quality vet care. Our rescued ducks and geese require her for far more important tasks than copying and pasting readily available information from our website (or her book) into emails in response to questions.
Read and Research First, Ask Brief Questions Next! It's easy to tell who's done their homework before contacting us. Kim can instantly spot an email from someone who has carefully sifted through our archived newsletters (or read her book) from those who haven't. Instead of general emails that ask questions like: "My duck has aspergillosis what do I do?" they tend to be more precise: "My duck has asper and I'm wondering which of the three treatment options is more budget friendly." Considering Kim's time constraints, the second question is a far more reasonable one.
Avoid Going On... and On... and On... Please refrain from submitting extensive emails, loaded with paragraphs upon paragraphs of long stories, multiple part questions and hypothetical inquries. This information would be best passed along and handled by your own waterfowl veterinarian. If you want a little help, then be precise and concise. Provide the basic facts, keep it brief and then ask a straight-forward question.
Always Give Back! Please don't come to Kim looking for free advice because you want to avoid paying a qualified vet. If Kim answers a quick question for you, donate a little something to help our rescues--a prompt $5.00-$10.00 gift is the perfect thank you for her efforts. If you can see she spent some real time on her response, or has emailed you multiple times, than bump up your gift to show your appreciation for her efforts.
Have A More Involved Situation? Let's say you've read Kim's book, perused our online newsletters, have taken your duck or goose to a qualified waterfowl vet and are still looking for some informed guidance. Sometimes the kind of help you're looking for is more involved. If you need this sort of help, send Kim a concise email regarding your situation and ask if she's available for a consultation. Expect her to ask you for a reasonable donation to our sanctuary as your way of thanking her BEFORE the process begins. REMEMBER: Kim is NOT a veterinarian and she has no hands-on experience with your duck or goose. She can only offer advice based on what limited information you provide and on her own experiences. There are no guarantees and any donations are non-refundable.
We WILL Remember You! Kim is here for our rescued waterfowl, but she adores ducks and geese everywhere and wants to help other Momma & Poppa Ducks whenever she can. This does not mean you should take advantage of her compassion. When our MWS Staff sees inquiries rolling in from people who've already taken up Kim's time and NOT donated to asssit our rescues, we remember. If you're not going to share your resources, please don't expect us to share ours.
