"Duck-Duck-Goose" Last Blue Ribbon Photo Contest!
Our FINAL Contest Has ENDED: May 1 - May 31, 2021

Blue Ribbon could be hanging in your duck or goose's
2021's Blue Ribbon Fundraising Event
had THREE Photo Categories:
Most Photogenic!
(domestic ducks & geese ONLY)
Enter a great photo of your pet duck or goose!
Most Special Effect!
(domestic ducks & geese ONLY)
Enter an interesting photo of your pet duck or goose utilizing any kind of iphone special effect or filter--but remember, in order to win, your pet should be the CENTER OF ATTENTION! Don't distract from them, highlight them!
Most Poker Faced!
(ALL pet ducks & geese, domestic Mallards, exotics & ornamentals!)
This category is for any and ALL pet ducks and geese, including domesticated Mallards, ornamentals and exotics! Capture a glimpse of your pet duck or goose in that moment when they look like they are holding an intriguing hand!
Majestic Prize Ribbons
Ribbon Sponsorships
Official Contest Rules
Submission Guidelines
Photo Category Descriptions (for alternate years)
Helpful Tips
Prior Years Winning Photos
More About Our Ribbons
Click Here to View our
Blue Ribbon Winner's Circle!
Click Here to see some of
our proud Winners!
Click Here to see More of
our proud Winners!
Click Here to see Even More of
our proud Winners!
Our Majestic Prize Ribbons:
We have custom-made prize ribbons
for each of our winners! They're made especially for us from a company in the UK who are known for their horse ribbons, which means our ribbons are real beauties!
1st, 2nd & 3rd
place ribbons will be awarded in each of three
photo categories PLUS one Honorable Mention ribbon and one President's Pick ribbon! That's a grand total of 11 ribbons awarded each year!
Our 1st Place Winners also are awarded a personalized Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary Winner's Certificate!

Ribbons and certificates are normally shipped to our winners during the first week of July.

Don't have a duck or goose, but still
want to get in on the fun? Ribbon Sponsors can have their name or
their business's name (and hyperlink) associated with a prize ribbon.
are Eleven Ribbon Sponsorships available each year. Your Ribbon Sponsorship will cover the cost of the prize ribbon,
shipping it to the Winner as well as a donation to our Majestic
rescues (of course!).
This page will be
continually updated as Ribbons are Sponsored!
Most Photogenic
Ribbon Sponsors:
1) Blue
1st Place Ribbon:
$30.00 (TAKEN)
Red 2nd Place Ribbon:
$25.00 (TAKEN)
White 3rd Place Ribbon:
$20.00 (TAKEN)
Most Special Effect
Ribbon Sponsors:
1) Blue
Place Ribbon: $30.00 (TAKEN))
Red 2nd Place Ribbon:
$25.00 (TAKEN)
White 3rd Place Ribbon:
$20.00 (TAKEN))
Most Poker Faced Ribbon Sponsors:
1) Blue 1st Place Ribbon: $30.00 (TAKEN)
2) Red 2nd Place
Ribbon: $25.00 (TAKEN)
3) White 3rd Place Ribbon: $20.00 (TAKEN)
Honorable Mention
Ribbon Sponsor:
1) Black, Orange & White HM Ribbon: $30.00 (TAKEN)
President's Pick
Ribbon Sponsor:
1) Black & Silver PP Ribbon: $30.00 (TAKEN)
You can
Sponsor a 2020 Prize Ribbon by going to our
page. Due to time restraints, all ribbon sponsorships must be donated via Paypal. In the
comments section be sure to enter the name of the ribbon of your choice. For
Photogenic, 2nd Place Ribbon
REMEMBER to tell us
how you would like your name/message to appear in our July
2020 newsletter, underneath the prize ribbon that you
1st Place!
Most Photogenic!
Puddles & Jeru
Submitted by: Kimberly Link

Blue Ribbon Sponsor:
Made possible by the folks at Joxer Comix!
Ribbons will
be Sponsored on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please
include your email address and phone number in case you
happen to sponsor an already purchased Ribbon, in which
case, we will contact you to select another Ribbon. Ribbon
Sponsorships are Non-Refundable.
Official Contest Rules:
contest is especially designed to celebrate domestic
waterfowl. Unless a category specifically states otherwise, all photo submissions must be of pet domestic ducks
(Muscovy ducks included) and/or geese. Photos
may contain multiple domestic ducks/geese as long as they don't include any other wild/exotic waterfowl (Mallards, Canada geese, swans,
etc.) ...UNLESS it is a special photo category that specifically allows for wild/exotic/ornamental breed submissions.
3) WILD/EXOTIC/ORNAMENTAL WATERFOWL: Photos of your Wild, Exotic and/or Ornamental
ducks & geese who have been legally domesticated may only be submitted into certain categories when the rules for that category specifically provide for it. These pets are NOT to
be confused with wild ducks and geese who are literally, out in the wild. Sorry, they can't play!
4) NO CHEATING: Photos
may NOT be digitally modified (including filters, borders, brightening, etc.) in any way, whatsoever EXCEPT for CROPPING which is allowable (and sometimes recommended... see "Helpful Tips"). You'd be surprised to know how easy it is for our judges to spot touch-ups and special effects on our large display screen, so don't try to sneak it by them! If the judges disqualify your altered photo, you will not be notified of their decision; you will simply be taken out of the running.
5) CAPTIONS: Sometimes a category will call for a caption. In such instances, you can boost your score by including a great one along with your photo entry. Do NOT superimpose
your caption over the photo itself, just send it in along with your submission.
entered must be taken within the last 12 months. This
means any particular photo can only be entered ONCE and
then never again. Memorial photos of a pet who has passed away, are permissible, provided they were taken within the last 12 months. We will be checking digital time stamps on photos and automatically disqualifying any that don't meet this criteria; in such instances, you will not be notified; you will simply be taken out of the running.
7) DO IT YOURSELF: Only amateur
photos may be submitted. No
professional or paid photography (unless, of course,
you are a professional photographer).
photo submission must be accompanied by a $5.00 entry donation. Our annual Early Bird Special runs from May 1st-7th. During this time ONLY, you may enter up to TWO photos for each $5.00 donation, provided all photos and donations are submitted and received within this limited promotional period.
9) DEADLINES: Photos
for our next competition will be accepted from
May 1, 2021 until May 31, 2021 @ 12:00 midnight EST. Both
photographs and full entry donations must be
received during this time period in order to be
officially entered. NO EXCEPTIONS! Photos rec'd without payment will be
Entry donations are non-refundable. This means if you are disqualified for not following the rules, you will not get your donation back.
ENTER AS OFTEN AS YOU'D LIKE: Contestants may enter as many photos of their ducks or
geese as they would like
and are encouraged to do so!
11) SHARING YOUR PHOTOS: All Contestants grant Majestic Waterfowl
Sanctuary full discretion to permanently display any
photo submissions on our website or in any related and
not-for-profit media (we will not sell your photos).
12) NO COMPENSATION OTHER THAN RIBBONS AND FUN: Contestants understand that they will
receive no compensation of monetary value in association with this contest.

13) WORDLWIDE SUBMISSIONS: Our Duck-Duck-Goose Blue Ribbon Photo Contest is OPEN for worldwide submissions! A few stipulations have been set in place to improve efficiency and help control expenses:
a. All accompanying entry donations must be made via Paypal in U.S.A. currency.
b. Should you win a prize ribbon (or ribbons!) contestants agree to cover the added expense of shipping your ribbon(s) outside of the Continental USA. These special arrangements will be made directly with you by email after the contest officially closes and winners are announced. Any additional shipping costs must be made via Paypal in U.S. currency. Your ribbon(s) will NOT be shipped to you until your additional shipping costs have been received in full.
c. Prize ribbons will be considered forfeited to Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary on August 1st of that contest year if additional shipping costs are not yet received.
Submission Guidelines:
1) All Photo entries MUST be sent to us electronically by Email.
ATTACH your photo submissions to your email using the paperclip icon. Do NOT Embed your photos into your email, or we will not be able to transfer them over to our large screen slideshow for our judges review.
3) Email EACH PHOTO entry SEPARATELY, ONLY ONE INDIVIDUAL PHOTO PER EMAIL! This is extremely important! Failure to do so can result in some of your photos not making it into the slideshow.
4) Specify
the CATEGORY in which you want your photo entered in your email's SUBJECT LINE. Not all categories run every year, so be sure you choose one that's running this year. Any entries received without this
designation, or with an invalid category listed, will be entered entirely at our discretion.
5) Be sure to include your: Full Name, Complete Shipping
Address, and Phone Number with Area Code in the body of
your email--Along with the names of all pets featured in the photo.
6) IF THEY LOOK LIKE A MALLARD, YOU NEED TO EXPLAIN! If you're entering a photo of a Rouen, Welsh Harlequin, Saxony, Silver Appleyard, Grey Call, Grey Indian Runner, or Mallard duck you MUST specify their breed in your submission email. When it comes to the coloration of these particular breeds, it's not always easy for our judges to distinguish domestics from their wild cousins. In order to confirm your pet's eligibility in a particular category, please specify their breed. If there is any doubt at our end, we will enter a pet duck with confusing plumage into the category that allows for pet Mallards that year.

7) If you
are entering a photo in a category that calls for a Caption,
remember to include one to achieve a
higher score. Do NOT superimpose your caption on the photo
itself; instead, include the caption in the body of your photo submission email.
Your caption will appear to the judges EXACTLY as it
appears in your email, so be very careful with your spelling and punctuation.
8) Send your total entry donation in a LUMP SUM via Paypal, or by making your check payable to: Majestic Waterfowl
Sanctuary. When donating by snail mail, checks should be sent: Attn: Photo Contest Entry, 17 Barker Road, Lebanon CT 06249.
When donating please be sure to include
adequate information with your donation, so we can
accurately match it with your photo submission(s). For example: "For 6 photos entered by Carter Barsoom." REMEMBER: All entry donations must be RECEIVED (not postmarked) by May 29th to allow time for bank processing. Sorry... NO MONEY ORDERS.
CONFIRMATION EMAIL: We will send you a confirmation email once you have been officially entered in the competition. If you don't receive this email within 24 hours of emailing your photos and entry donation to us, please contact us immediately: Email
Photo Category Descriptions for Alternate Years:
Our annual photo
contest is especially designed to celebrate domestic
waterfowl. Unless a category specifically states otherwise, all photo submissions must be of pet domestic ducks
(Muscovy ducks included) and/or geese. Here are some of our domestic-designed categories:
Our Most Photogenic category RUNS EVERY YEAR! Rules are simple: Enter a great photo of your pet duck or goose (scroll down to review our helpful entry tips below).
When it runs, the Most Fashionable category is for any duck or goose in any kind of clothing--including diaper harnesses, costumes, fashion accessories, boots, etc. Just be sure your pet is safe and comfortable at all times.
When it runs, the Best Mud On Your Face category can be taken literally, actual mud on your duck or goose's face, OR... you can capture any embarrassing/scandalous moment in your duck or goose's day! Captions are always welcome in this hilarious category!
When it runs, the Most Comical category is for any funny moment you've managed to capture in your duck or goose's day! Captions are always welcome in this FUN category!
When it runs, Best Nap photos should capture your pet duck or goose in the midst of a nice snooze... zzz... They can be alone or snuggled up with a friend, but their eyes should be closed!
When it runs, the Best Portrait category is for amazing head shots or posed images of your pet duck or goose. Don't be afraid to crop your photos to achieve this particular look.
When it runs, the Best Flap category is for any moment where your duck or goose has opened up their wings--go crazy with this one!
When it runs, the Most Magnificent Splash category is for any moment where your duck or goose is in water and splashing--pool, kiddy pool, pond, stream, bathtub, sink, or whatever!
When it runs, the Best Open-Billed Quacks & Honks category is for any moment where your duck or goose has their bill open! That pretty much sums it up, doesn't it?!
Photo Categories Shared by Domestics & Wild Childs Change Annually:
Photos of your Wild, Exotic and/or Ornamental
ducks & geese who have been legally domesticated may only be submitted into certain categories when the rules for that category specifically provide for it. These pets are NOT to
be confused with wild ducks and geese who are literally, out in the wild. Sorry, they can't play!
When it runs, The Most Velociraptor category is for any and ALL pet ducks and geese, including domesticated Mallards, ornamentals and exotics! Capture a moment of your pet duck or goose in that moment when they look like they should be starring in a Jurassic Park movie!
When it runs, the Best Friends category is for any and ALL pet ducks and geese, including domesticated Mallards, ornamentals and exotics! Capture a moment of your pet duck or goose with any number of their best friend(s) and submit--it's a simple as that! Best friends can be other feathered friends, pen mates, plush animals, or other pets--but no humans! Just remember to ALWAYS keep your pets SAFE and all posing natural (no risky poses). If our judges feel your photo does not promote proper pet safety, you will not be notified of their decision; you will simply be taken out of the running.
When it runs, the Best Couple category is for non-flying domestic ducks &
geese; however, another animal
may also appear in the photo as their special partner. At least
ONE of the duo must be a non-flying, domestic duck
or goose in order to
qualify, and ONLY the couple themselves may appear in the photo--no one else! The other member of the duo can be be any other feathered friend (including Mallards, exotics or ornamental breeds), or another other living critter whom they adore (other than a human). Please remember to ALWAYS keep your pets SAFE and all posing natural (don't take risks!). If our judges feel your photo does not promote proper pet safety, you will not be notified of their decision; you will simply be taken out of the running.
When it runs, the Best Yoga Stretch/Pose category is for ALL pet ducks and geese, includuing domesticated Mallards, ornamentals and exotics! Capture a good flexible moment, stretchy reach, or bendy pose. Graceful or clumbsy--as long as it's safe!
Wild Child Retired Category:
When it used to run, the Wild Child category was for domesticated Mallards, licensed wild ducks or geese being kept legally as pets, and ornamental/exotic breeds of waterfowl who are legally owned pets ONLY. Photos could be funny or beautiful.
Winners will be chosen by a
panel of
anonymous Judges (not including Kim because we all
know she recognizes every duck and goose by sight!) who will not have access to contestants' identities.
Photos are reviewed by judges who commonly consider: Focus, Lighting, Color,
Background, Composition, Originality, Bird's Personality
& Emotional Response.
When noted, some categories receive an
additional bonus score by including a great Caption!

Helpful Tips:
As you can see
from the above scorecard our judges commonly look at: Focus,
Lighting, Color, Background, Composition, Originality,
Bird's Personality and their own Emotional Response.
In the past our judges...
1. Have favored clear, bright photos
that are crisp and sharp over dark, blurry ones.
2. Have favored photos where the duck
or goose's individual personality radiates through the
3. Have favored photos where the
ducks or geese are a big part of the picture and not a
tiny little dot amidst a great scene. They want to SEE
your ducks and geese!
4. Have favored photos where the duck
or goose is the main subject of the photo, where their
eyes are immediately drawn to your feathered friend.
5. Have favored whole-body photos and
mug shots over ducks who aren't fully in the photo (feet
not showing, tail cut off, etc.). So if you accidentally cut off part of your duck or goose in
the photo, you can still win if the photo's great, but
your chances may be slightly reduced.
6. Have favored photos where the duck
or goose is centered in the image, or where there is
some inherent balance to the photo. Additionally, they
enjoy a nice background over one strewn with random
un-ducky objects (i.e. dirty laundry, garbage, clutter).
7. While it is against the rules to doctor your photo in any way with special effects, camera tricks, etc, it IS well within the rules to CROP your photo. This is a great way to make sure your duck or goose is properly featured in your photo. If done properly, an efficient crop can turn a so-so photo into a fantastic one!
***This being said, these are not
tips to "sure wins." We have had photos with qualities
outside of these parameters that have won over our
What our judges have favored in the past can always
Prior Years' Winners:
Check out
our archived newsletters to see prior favorite entries &
April 2009 Newsletter
July 2010 Newsletter
July 2011
July 2012
July 2013
July 2014
July 2015 Newsletter
July 2016 Newsletter
July 2017 Newsletter
July 2018 Newsletter
July 2019 Newsletter
July 2020 Newsletter
1st Place, Winning photos are
permanently displayed in our Winner's
More About Our Prize Ribbons:
1st Place Winners will receive dazzling Blue
& Silver, 4 tier ribbons with circular tops measuring 8 inches in diameter and EXTRA LONG 22 inch tails! Centerboards are detailed with a silver
duck encircled by "Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary" and a printed center tail that reads:
Duck-Duck-Goose Photo Contest
First Place World Champion

2nd Place Winners will receive spectacular Red
& Silver, 4 tier ribbons with circular tops measuring 8 inches in diameter and EXTRA LONG 22 inch tails! Centerboards are detailed with a silver
duck encircled by "Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary" and a printed center tail that reads:
Duck-Duck-Goose Photo Contest
Second Place World Champion

3rd Place Winners will receive show-stopping White
& Silver, 4 tier ribbons with circular tops measuring 8 inches in diameter and EXTRA LONG 22 inch tails!Centerboards are detailed with a silver
duck encircled by "Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary" and a printed center tail that reads:
Duck-Duck-Goose Photo Contest
Third Place World Champion

PLUS... We will be awarding one President's Pick ribbon and one Honorable
Mention ribbon each contest year!
The President's Pick Winner (Finally... Kim gets to award a prize!) will receive a stunning Black & Silver, 4 tier ribbon with a circular top that measures 8 inches in diameter and EXTRA LONG 22 inch tails! Centerboards are detailed with a Silver
duck encircled by "Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary" and a printed center tail that reads:
Duck-Duck-Goose Photo Contest
President's Pick

The Honorable Mention Winner will receive an eye-catching Orange, Black & White, 4 tier ribbon with a circular top that measures 8 inches in diameter and EXTRA LONG 22 inch tails! Centerboards are detailed with a Silver
duck encircled by "Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary" and a printed center tail that reads:
Duck-Duck-Goose Photo Contest
Honorable Mention

Now that's
something you and your feathered friend can display
Click Here to View our
Blue Ribbon Winner's Circle!
Click Here to see some of
proud Winners!
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© Majestic
Waterfowl Sanctuary 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 |