Majestic Monthly Newsletter Archives:
April - June, 2012
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You may read back issues of our
newsletters by clicking on the issues below.
Issue 88: April 2012:
It all began in Nov. of 2004 |
Duck-Duck-Goose Photo Contest! |
Spalding Fly Predators |
Majestic Farewells... |
The Month in Photos! |
Majestic Adoptions! |
Majestic Sponsorships |
Issue 89: May
My Ducky Diary |
Blue Ribbon Photo Contest! |
Duck Hero of the Month! |
Non-chlorine Swimming Pools |
Farewell... |
The Month in Photos! |
Majestic Newcomers! |
Majestic Sponsorships |
Issue 90: June
Blue Ribbon Photo Contest--LAST
St. Francis Duck Statue |
Books for Rescues |
Kitty Cornered |
A Grassy Little Trick! |
The Month in Photos! |
Majestic Adoptions! |
Majestic Newcomers! |
Majestic Sponsorships |
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© Majestic
Waterfowl Sanctuary 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,