Majestic Monthly Newsletter Archives:
April - June, 2013
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You may read back issues of our
newsletters by clicking on the issues below.
Issue 103: July 2013:
Most Photogenic Winners! |
Most Comical Winners! |
Most Mallard Winners! |
Honorable Mention Winner! |
President's Pick Winner! |
Farewells... |
Judges |
Contestants & Sponsors! |
Isabel's Pick... |
Other Favorite Photos! |
Majestic Adoption! |
Majestic Sponsorship |
Issue 104:
August 2013:
Ducky Hero of the Month! |
Calcium Gluconate for Soft Eggs |
Domestic Duck Lifespans |
Rodent Control (cont'd one
last time!) |
Rodent Repellent |
Sonic Rodent Chaser |
Rodent Baits/Poisons |
Bait Recommendation |
Majestic Farewell... |
Other Farewells... |
The Month in Photos! |
Majestic Newcomer! |
Majestic Adoptions! |
Majestic Sponsorship |
Issue 105:
September 2013:
Lil "Miz" Bee |
Ducky Hero of the Month! |
A Pair of Boys |
A Duck Without a Voice |
Water Testing Kits |
A Duck in Drake's Feathers |
CT Ducks Need a Home! |
Outside Farewells... |
The Month in Photos! |
Majestic Newcomers! |
Majestic Adoptions! |
Majestic Rescues! |
Majestic Sponsorship |
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© Majestic
Waterfowl Sanctuary 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,