Winston & Mr. Pearl are a bonded pair
of drakes, imprinted on humans and very friendly. Winston is a Cayuga and Mr.
Pearl is a Pekin. They are very loving and
trusting of their family. They have the funniest walk we've ever seen,
taking fast little pitter-patter steps that are very endearing and wonderfully
comical. Winston & Mr. Pearl were surrendered to us after being neglected by
a pet-sitter who was in charge of the boys after their owners
moved out of state. The owners arranged for their surrender from
afar. The boys came to us in terrible shape in the middle of the
night, but were soon sporting beautiful new feathers.
The boys get along extremely well in the fall and winter, but squabble and
sometimes need to be separated by a portable dividing fence during
the spring and summer.
Even during the warmer months when they don't get along perfectly,
they can't stand to be out of each other's sight and like to be side by side on
opposite sides of a shared fence. Sadly, this one requirement left the boys
skipped over by many families for 3 years.
Winston & Mr. Pearl finally found a wonderful new home
where their pen sits right along side their retired family's
house. This means the boys will get lots of love and attention.
Still, because of their time spent with us and their wonderful
nature, this was one of our most difficult let-go's ever. We
wish these boys lots of quacks and happiness in their new and
loving home!
Winston came back to us in November of 2017 when his best friend Mr. Pearl passed away of old age (we have his ashes). At that time, he had an arthretic foot with a slipped tenden (caused by age) and his family was worried he needed more attention as well as the company of other ducks.
Winston enjoyed his retirement at our sanctuary with chaperoned access to our sanctuary ponds and hydrotherapy in TinTin's Tubhouse to keep him active and clean. He lived with our rescued flock for years and before succombing to a stroke during the night in his heated Tubhouse. We found him all tucked in and sleepy and brought him to our ER vet early in the morning of January 30th, 2021 (nearly 17 years old) where we held him in our arms and helped ease him over to see his brother Mr. Pearl again.