Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary, 17 Barker Road, Lebanon, CT, 06249

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Majestic Diary

April 13, 2008

Yesterday was a very busy day! I transplanted a few trees in the pens to better locations (two had grown so big they were blocking gates, so I moved them). Then I brought in a few new trees and now there are shade trees in every pen and the leaves are just popping open.

Then I finished spring cleaning and removed the last of the hay nests in the outdoor pens. Then, I began the task of turning over the ground in the pens and planting grass seed. The ducks loved both of these tasks because they exposed hundreds of yummy earthworms for them to eat. Good stuff!

I still want to transplant one more tree into The Courtyard and a couple big ones into Abby's Goose Run. I'll work on those during the week--after work. This is the perfect time to transplant them; the ground is really wet and the leaves are just about to pop.

Mac and I have become pretty good friends and I've discovered the secret to getting to know Fanny--feeding grass through the pen. Mac will gently eat the blades out of my hands--never pinching a finger. Then, when I step away, Fanny comes right in to eat them off of the ground. She's learning that Mommy brings good snacks, and that is the next step in getting to know her.


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