Majestic Monthly Newsletter Archives:
July-September, 2010
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You may read back issues of our
newsletters by clicking on the issues below.
Issue 67: July 2010:
Blue Ribbon Photo Contest
Winners |
President's Photo Pick |
Isabel's Photo Pick |
Recommending Reading |
Majestic Mug-of-the-Month
Featuring: Smidge! |
Watermelon Donations! |
Honorable Mentions! |
Other Fun Photos |
Majestic Newcomers! |
Majestic Adoptions! |
Issue 68: August 2010:
Majestic Mug-of-the-Month
Featuring: Salem, Pemphredo, Deino & Enyo |
No-Spill Water Bowl |
Kiddie Pool Safety |
A Word on Coccidea |
Food Grade Dearth |
Backyard Poultry Magazine |
The Month in Photos! |
Majestic Newcomers! |
Majestic Adoptions! |
Majestic Sponsorship |
Recommended Reading: That's Not
My Brother |
Issue 69: September 2010:
Majestic Mug-of-the-Month
Featuring: Duran "Rio" |
The Ultimate Pet Goose Guidebook |
 | |
Prevent & Treat Heat Stroke |
The Month in Photos! |
Majestic Newcomers! |
Majestic Sponsorship |
Recommended Reading: The
Ultimate Pet Goose Guidebook |
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any federal, state or municipal law or regulation with
which such guidance may conflict. Any guidance is
general in nature. In addition, the assistance of a
qualified professional should be enlisted to address any
specific circumstances.
© Majestic
Waterfowl Sanctuary 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009