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Majestic Monthly Newsletter Archives: July - September, 2021

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You may read back issues of our newsletters by clicking on the issues below.

Issue 199: July 2021:

Most Photogenic Winners!

bullet Most Poker Faced Winners!
bullet Most Favorite Special FX Winners!
bullet Honorable Mention Winner!
bullet President's Pick Winner
bullet Soft Landings Photo Contest
bullet Sheena Update
bullet Ultimate Pet Duck/Goose Guidebooks
bullet Majestic Farewell...
bullet Outside Farewell...
bullet Majestic Adoptions!
bullet Majestic Direct Placement!
bullet Majestic Newcomers!
bullet Most Favorite Special FX Runner-ups!
bullet Most Poker Faced Runner-ups!
bullet Most Photogenic Runner-ups!
bullet President's Pick Runner-ups!

Other Favorite Photos!

Issue 200: August 2021:

Cedar & Princess Sparkles Adoption Roadtrip!

bullet Sheena Update

Pet Duck & Goose Guidebooks

bullet Outside Farewells...
bullet Majestic T-Shirts

Majestic Gift Shop

Issue 201: September 2021:

bullet Hurricane Henri... We're All Good Here!

Raising Funds for Barn Repairs

bullet Eeben's Arthritis
bullet Sponsorship Tubes are Back!
bullet Social Media Auctions
bullet Mini Tins are Back!
bullet Ultimate Pet Duck & Goose Guidebooks
bullet Outside Farewell...
bullet Scovies Need a Home FAST!
bullet Majestic T-Shirts
bullet Majestic Gift Shop


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