Surrendering a Duck or Goose to

Thank you for taking the first step in considering your
pet's future welfare. By applying to place your duck or
goose into our sanctuary, you are recognizing that you
want the best for your pet. If accepted into our
sanctuary, your duck will be provided with the
utmost love, care and attention they deserve. We will
dedicate ourselves fully to the task of finding a new
and loving home for your duck.
Incoming ducks are handled on a priority
basis. The highest priority is always placed on those
animals without advocates; that is, those ducks in dangerous situations in the wild or scheduled
to be euthanized at other shelters.
Please understand that we are
normally full-to-capacity with a waiting list
(especially in fall & winter) and are
only occasionally able to welcome a surrendered pet or
two into
our care. These are ALWAYS females because they are easier for us
to place into new homes.
but due to space limitations we cannot accommodate large flocks.
Our 2030 Majestic Retirement Plan 
Please understand, we can no longer accept any male ducks, any geese/goslings (either gender) or any Muscovy ducks (either gender) into our sanctuary. We also cannot welcome in any ducklings without confirming they are females first. This applies to everyone and includes all circumstances. Going forward, we only accept HEALTHY, FEMALE domestic ducks as owner surrenders and we can't take everyone, so there is no guarantee we can help you at this time.
As part of our retirement plan, we will be closing down our sanctuary in the year 2030. In order to ensure that our sanctuary guests are all adopted or have ended their long lives here before this estimated closure, we need to be careful about who we accept into our sanctuary to be certain they will receive a lifetime of care.
Because male ducks don't tend to be adopted and often live for 10-17 years at our sanctuary, we will no longer be able to accept boys into our care or else they risk having no place to retire in their old age.
Because Muscovy ducks (both male and females) do not tend to be adopted and often live 10-15 years in our care, we will no longer be able to accept them into our sanctuary.
Because Geese live 20+ years and tend to reside at our sanctuary for an average of 7 years before finding their new homes, we are limiting ourselves to one M/F pair or F/F pair at any one time. We currently have Tock & Tyme here with us (who were rescued in 2019) and they will likely be our final pair of rescued geese.
(Please Click Here to
view a list of other shelters)
Who Do We Accept Into
Our Sanctuary?
1-4 Ducks: We RARELY take in more than
TWO female ducks from any one home, but we never exceed FOUR
female ducks from any one home.
On those extremely RARE
occasions when we take in more than two female ducks from one
home, please understand that they will not likely be
re-homed together. Families are rarely looking to adopt
more than 1-2 ducks at a time. We will either break the
group up into adoptable pairs, or in the case of three
ducks, we will match the third duck up with a new
friend. We often go on the owner's recommendation of
which ducks should remain together. To make the
transition easier, we often place the ducks in
neighboring pens at first and then shift them further
apart from each other as time passes. This prevents the
ducks from becoming stressed or experiencing any
Surrender Fees
Please understand that accepting your pet into our
sanctuary is a costly venture; therefore, it is vital
that you absorb as much of this expense as possible, so
as not to impede upon our sanctuary's limited funds or
affect our ability to care for our rescues.
All birds coming into our sanctuary start off their
stay with an immediate fecal exam. When positive, this
expense instantly increases to include the costs of
medication and follow-up exams. In addition, we still
have to meet the costs of
their feed, hay, electricity and supplies. We are
looking for you to defray as much of these anticipated
costs as possible.
In most cases, a minimum baseline donation of $50.00-100.00
per bird will be required to help defray their expenses
while in our care.
Did you know?
In 2018 the average cost-per-bird at
our sanctuary was approximately $350.00 dollars each! This
included feed, hay, electricity (heated buckets & water
pumps), vet care and supplies.
Surrender fees are not set arbitrarily and may be
higher (or lower) than the $100.00 baseline. We estimate
the length of a bird's anticipated stay based on
determining factors such as: breed, gender, size, color,
temperament and health. Then we estimate a fair
surrender fee for them and for you. For example, a
single and healthy female duck surrendered to us in
spring or summer (our busier adoption seasons) may only
require a $50 donation.
Did you know?
Most healthy ducks
will reside at our sanctuary for 1-2 years (or even more) before
being adopted.
We do not finalize surrender fees
until we actually meet the duck in person and
perform a precursory medical exam and conduct a quick
temperament test to verify all information in the
Owner Surrender Form is complete and accurate. This
simple evaluation is normally done at the same time that
the bird is brought to the sanctuary for surrender.
Based on this evaluation, surrender fees may increase or
decrease in response to our changed perception of the
adoptability of your bird.
Majestic maintains the right to
decline the acceptance of your bird into our sanctuary
at any time prior to the mutual-party signing of
Majestic’s Owner Surrender Contract. All Owner
Surrender Forms are submitted with the Applicant’s
understanding that this can occur without explanation
and that the Applicant is not entitled to any legal
recourse or compensation of any kind whatsoever.
Sorry, all Surrender Fees must be paid up
front, at the time you surrender your bird(s) to us. We do
not accept future sponsorship commitments in lieu of
Surrender Fees.
Injured/Lame Waterfowl
We are often asked to accept ducks with
serious injuries or handicaps into our sanctuary. Although we see loads of
potential in these birds and love them dearly, due to
our space limitations and upcoming retirement plan, we have to consider their
Unfortunately, most adopters will overlook birds with
serious injuries or who require on-going vet care.
Therefore, if we don't think the bird is adoptable, we
can no longer accept them into our sanctuary.
Owner Surrender Form
If you are 18 years or older and wish to surrender
your duck or goose to Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary,
please complete our
Online Owner
Surrender Form.
By submitting our online
Owner Surrender Form you understand and agree to
all of the policies, procedures, terms and conditions
contained within this Webpage, our Owner
Surrender Form and our Owner Surrender
Contract. Please read each of these
pages/documents thoroughly BEFORE submitting the online
Owner Surrender Form to us.
Be sure that all of the information in the Owner
Surrender Form is complete and accurate. If your pet
is accepted into our sanctuary, the information in this form will help our
caretakers ensure a smooth transition for your bird.
Initial Surrender
After receiving your Owner Surrender Form, we will contact you
via email to let you know whether or not we have granted
your bird(s) Initial Surrender Approval into our sanctuary.
Majestic maintains the right to decline the
acceptance of your bird into our sanctuary at any time
prior to the mutual-party signing of Majestic’s Owner
Surrender Contract. All Owner Surrender Forms
are submitted with the Applicant’s understanding that
this can occur without explanation and that the
Applicant is not entitled to any legal recourse or
compensation of any kind whatsoever..
Official Surrender
All surrendered
waterfowl must be hand delivered to Majestic Waterfowl
Sanctuary by their legal owner(s).
We do not grant Official Surrender Approval to
your bird(s) until we
actually meet them in person.
Upon receiving your Initial Surrender Approval,
we will schedule an appointment for you to come to
our sanctuary and
surrender your bird(s). During this appointment we will perform a precursory
medical exam and conduct a quick temperament test to
verify all of the information in the Owner Surrender Form is
complete and accurate.
Majestic maintains the right to decline the
acceptance of your bird into our sanctuary at any time
prior to the mutual-party signing of Majestic’s Owner
Surrender Contract. All Owner Surrender Forms
are submitted with the Applicant’s understanding that
this can occur without explanation and that the
Applicant is not entitled to any legal recourse or
compensation of any kind whatsoever.
Owner Surrender
Before being officially accepted into our sanctuary,
the legal owner(s) of the bird(s) being surrendered must
sign our Owner Surrender Contract.
Please read this contract thoroughly PRIOR to arriving
at our sanctuary to insure you are in FULL agreement
with our terms and conditions.
From Your Hands to
Once your duck comes into our sanctuary they
become one of our babies. Close attention is given to
all of our feathered residents, insuring their health
and happiness. We provide them with beautiful and enriching pens
with plenty of opportunity for socialization with other
birds as well as with humans.
We pre-screen our adopting families very carefully to
insure that our ducks and geese go into safe and loving
homes and we even guarantee to take them back if things
don't work out for any reason.
Thank you for taking these steps towards placing your
pet in our sanctuary. We know first hand how difficult
this may be for you and your family...
© Majestic
Waterfowl Sanctuary 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010