Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary, 17 Barker Road, Lebanon, CT, 06249

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Majestic Diary

March 29, 2009

Lewy was adopted today to a wonderful new home. His new Momma is actively searching for a female Toulouse goose for him, so he will have a companion soon. In the meantime, he will be around chickens, ducks and sheep. I sure am going to miss his crooked tailgate...

Here's a nice photo of Victor-Victoria, Jetti and Joop! I took today:

Here are updated photos of the new ponds in The Gardens (I can't wait to plant grass!):

Here is a close-up of the brickwork that will eventually go around all of the new ponds:

I still have a lot of work to do. The white pipes will eventually be buried and painted so that they are camouflaged.

I went to work on getting a photo of a duck mucking for our new slogan:

Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary:  Muckin' Fun for Everyone!

The sky was too overcast, so the photos are too gray to use, but I am definitely on the right track. I think I'll make a mud puddle the next time the sun comes out and try again with the Pekin ducks so you can see the orange of their bill better beneath the mud. I do love Asaru's "do" though--wha ha ha!


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