Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary, 17 Barker Road, Lebanon, CT, 06249

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Majestic Diary

March 3, 2008

Tova and Bindy arrived at our sanctuary on Feb 24th. They came from a deplorable situation, so we had extra tests done to assure the safety of our flock and their future family's flock as well. 

Their tests came back ALL CLEAR!

These girls are very shy and we are limiting our time in their pen as much as possible.  It is vital that they learn that we only come in to fill up food and water at this time. Once they stop scattering when we enter the pen, we can work on bringing treats that will lure them over.

Tova and Bindy

In other news, Elijah is losing his mobility. He just succumbed from too many injuries prior to arriving at Majestic. We brought him to the vet to see if anything can be done, but it seems he will soon lose his ability to get around. My poor boy. He still loves to swim though and he gets to do that every other day in the big pond!

"Lookit my poor leg, Momma..."

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