We went to bed at 9:30 p.m.
last night and set our alarm clock to go off every
hour to avoid any snow damage from the oncoming
blizzard. When it went off for the third time it was
12:30 and time to shovel and clear aviary nets. The
snow was coming down so fast we would literally
finish shoveling paths for the ducks in one pen and
turn back and discover the pen we shoveled prior
already had another 3 inches on the ground. They
said it was coming down at 4 inches and hour and we
can testify to that. We moved back and forth from
pen to pen, clearing nets and clearing paths so the
ducks and geese could get safely to their houses and
water buckets.
By 3:00 a.m. we were exhausted
and soaked to the skin from snow melt. Our gloves
were saturated... we had to stop to put our clothes
and coats in the dryer. While we waited for them to
dry, we set the alarm clock for 45 minutes and
dropped into bed for a nap under electric blankets.
When the alarm woke us up, the snow had slowed and
the news was expecting no more than a couple more
inches. We walked out to the pens, but everything
looked good--only a couple inches on the ground.
Back to bed... Alarm went off every hour after that
and we checked to be sure everything was well. At
8:00 a.m we grabbed our winter clothes and headed
back outside to remove all the snow. We worked until
2:00 p.m. shoveling paths through all the pens.
Then, exhausted as we were, we spent another hour
clearing snow off of the surviving half of our
quarantine pen and off of Louisvill.
We shoveled and cleared nets
from 12:30 a.m. until 3 a.m. Thursday morning. Then
we crashed until 8 a.m. (setting the alarm every
hour to get up and make sure the nets were fine).
Then we headed outside at 8 a.m and shoveled until
3 p.m. There was so much snow there was barely a
place to shovel it to. I’m going to take photos
today. Mountains of snow piled up to the aviary nets
and tiny paths between them leading from houses to
food, water and gates. Then we cleared off the roofs
of the quarantine pen and Louisville.
We are so EXHAUSTED!
Mount Piddie:

traverse the maze:

Snow piled up to
the aviary net:

Barney & Jessie:

The gardens
mounted with snow: