Look at little
Shorty wandering around the Goose Run--so cute!
I opened up all of
the duck and goose ponds! Yippee! Most of them were
already mucked out. I just had Bonnie & Dilly's left
and the goose pond. The aqua-duck-t is running and
the ducks and geese are SO HAPPY! Swimming is so
much fun!
Dilly &
Bonnie... We have water!
In other news... Pancho is a GIRL! I knew it! She
doesn't have a call like any geese we've ever known
and I sort of wonder if she is a cross between a
Snow Goose and a domestic goose. She doesn't match
any photos I've ever seen, so I don't know for sure.
She's also pretty good at flying around the pen,
although I don't know that she could actually take
flight. Anyway... she chased Jamboree away from
Romeo and claimed him for herself. Jamboree has gone
back to hanging out full time with her sister Juliet
Chubby little Juliet
No wonder Pancho hasn't fallen in love with Juliet!
I thought so! The other give away is that Pancho has
been flying on top of the duck house that's in the
Goose Run whenever I come in to change water
buckets. She waits for me to come over and pet her
and this time she flattened out for me, asking me to
mate her. Definitely a girl! And then... an EGG!
We need to think up a new name for her, something
that starts with a "P" that we can change up a
little. Hmmm...
Oh! Something funny happened yesterday! I was out in
the pens changing out the water in the heated
buckets when I heard a little ruckus in Mercy and
Piper's pen. I'm so bummed I didn't have my camera
with me because I almost grabbed it on the way out
and then thought better of it. Mercy had hopped into
her water bucket and was going hot tubbin'! It was
so funny because she's a rolly-polly little gal and
her belly fat was hanging over the lip of the
bucket! What a riot! This certainly explains why
their water bucket is so muddy ever day! But then I
worry about her jumping out and hurting her legs, so
I went over and picked her up and set her on the
ground. She didn't like that one bit! Sorry, Mercy-loo...