It's Sunday
morning... Alice isn't looking any better... My only options are emergency vets if
we need to help her along her way. Our regular vets
aren't open until Tuesday and even if they were, I
have a sinking feeling this is not going to be treatable.
Her abdomen is a
bit distended and she's at her water bucket too
much. Both renal failure and peritonitis come on
quickly like this. They seem healthy enough one day
and then the next... and then the next...
I've been watching
Alice all day. She's been swimming on the pond,
preening on shore and still not herself, but she's
hanging in there. I've kept her on sedatives to keep
her comfortable.
It's 10:00 p.m. I went out to check on her again.
She seemed to be doing okay, but I'll check on her a
few more times just in case she needs me.