I didn't sleep
much last night... But Alice appears to be holding
her own this morning. I waited for the sun to come
fully up before letting her and Young Jeffrey out
for the others and she made a beeline to the pond
and went right in and started swimming. While
yesterday she spent the day swimming alone, this
morning she was following the other three around
(Young Jeffrey, Nelly-Nell and Jodie-Dee).
It so upsets me that the best two vets we have both have the
same days off and I have to wait until Tuesday to
bring Alice in for help. Thank goodness I have pain
meds on hand for her.
I have to be
careful tomorrow.... I want to help her, but I don't want to
put her through tests that will only stress her or
make her more uncomfortable and
unhappy. A blood test will either confirm renal
failure or peritonitis--I'm leaning towards renal
failure. An x-ray will only do the same.
Confirmation may provide me with an answer, but if
either condition is true, it won't offer her any
How did we go so
quickly from good news to bad? From adopting out the
Coffee Ducks (Bean, Carmella and Hazel) to their
beautiful new home and then having to face the loss
of our lovely Alice in Wonderland?
Hang in there,
pretty girl... Hang in there...
Things I want to
always remember about Alice:
People always ask
us what kind of duck Alice is. She's a Pekin duck!
Her bill is just so spotted with black freckles that
it's almost entirely black.
She LOVES Young
Jeffrey and LOVED his brother Young Matthew when he
was here too...
We brought her
into our sanctuary to prepare Young Jeffrey & Young
Matthew for the loss of their beloved girlfriend
Deirdre Dear Heart. We needed a new girl for the
boys (Jeffrey & Matthew) to love to help ease the
blow and to give Deirdre a break from their
affection in her old age. Alice healed the space in
their hearts in a way no other girl here could...
She has a
beautiful and happy quack and a very friendly
demeanor... So easy going, so sweet, such a joy...