January 25, 2008
typical day in the Link household. . .
a.m. Alarm clock goes off. Brush teeth, put in
contacts, pull on sweats, go downstairs and pack
Isabel's lunch and my lunch. Pull on muck boots, put on
coat and gloves and stuff coat pockets with car keys,
barn keys and remote for barn flood lights. Carry purse,
my lunch bag and Isabel's backpack outside to the car.
Warm the car and then head down to the barn. Provide
fresh water to ducks inside the barn, top off food and
lay down fresh hay. Go to the outside pens and put down
fresh hay and rotate ducks--so everyone gets a turn on
the pond. Do a quick check on every bird.
a.m. Shut off the car and re-enter the house. Go
downstairs to the infirmary with Tutter's pills. Update
his med chart. Freshen up his hay, food and water and
give him his medication. Visit for a few minutes. Head
upstairs, make a complete change of clothes, do quick
hair and make up.
a.m. Isabel's alarm goes off. Encourage her out
of bed, to brush teeth and get into school clothes.
Spend at least ten minutes combing out her beautiful
spiral curls.
6:30 a.m.
Help Isabel practice her sight words and tying her shoes
before school.
a.m. Out to the car with Isabel, off to her
morning daycare before Kindergarten.
a.m. Leave the elementary school and drive an
hour to my "real" job at the office.
a.m. My work day "begins."
p.m. Handle any grocery/necessity shopping on my
lunch break.
p.m. Lunch ends. Return to work.
p.m. My work day "ends."
p.m. Arrive home. Bring any groceries, etc. into
the house. Is it a Daisy Scout night? If so, feed Isabel
dinner and drive her to her scout meeting. If not, get
Isabel settled and then proceed down to the barn with
Tony. Top off all outside heated water buckets and
replace all indoor (non-heated) water buckets. Top off
all food dishes and refresh all hay. Check on each flock
member individually. Feed the barn cats, lock up the
barn and pens.
p.m. Re-enter the house. Cook dinner for family.
While they eat, I turn on the computer and download
emails for the day. Go downstairs to greet Tutter in the
infirmary. Refresh his food, water and hay and then give
him his nightly medication. Update his med chart.
p.m. Come upstairs and start replying to the
day's emails. Attend to any bookkeeping.
p.m. Take my shower, then get Isabel into the
shower, wash her hair, get her dried, dressed and teeth
brushed. If it's a Daisy Scout night, go to get Isabel
and bring her home for her shower and bedtime routine.
p.m. Tuck Isabel into bed. Eat dinner.
p.m. Finish replying to the day's emails and
handle any website updates.
p.m. Time to relax with Tony and play a little
"Mass Effect" on the Xbox 360.
p.m. Go downstairs and say good-night to Tutter.
p.m. Go up to bed and watch a little chic t.v.
9:00 p.m.
Tony comes up stairs for some together time.
p.m. Sleep
If it snows, get up every 1-2 hours throughout the night
(rotating turns with Tony), go outside and beat snow off
of the aviary nets as needed.
a.m. Morning Kindergarten is usually cancelled
on snow days.
Let Isabel sleep while we shovel snow away from the
gates and doors and shovel paths for the birds to walk
a.m. Feed Isabel breakfast, get her settled, go
back outside to finish clearing snow and to sand down
the pens, so they are not slippery. Take turns coming
inside to check on Isabel.
a.m. Come inside, eat breakfast. Either Tony or
myself heads off to work. Other parent stays home with
Isabel and collapses.
a.m. Get Isabel ready
for afternoon daycare. Get ready for work.
12:00 a.m.
off Isabel at afternoon daycare and then drive to the
office for a half day of work.
Isabel practicing her shoe-tying
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