Rescue Information
As we ease into retirement, this service is no longer available.
Healthy Female Ducks & Geese ONLY! 
Please understand, we can no longer accept any male ducks, Muscovy ducks or geese into our sanctuary. This applies to everyone and includes all circumstances. Going forward, we only accept HEALTHY, FEMALE domestic ducks as owner surrenders and we can't take everyone, so there is no guarantee we can help you at this time.
As part of our retirement plan, we will be closing down our sanctuary in the year 2030. In order to ensure that our sanctuary guests are all adopted or have ended their long lives here before this estimated closure, we need to be careful about who we accept into our sanctuary to be certain they will receive a lifetime of care.
Because male ducks, ganders and Muscovy ducks don't tend to be adopted and often live for 10-15 years at our sanctuary, we will no longer be able to accept them into our care or else they risk having no place to retire in their old age.
Because Geese live 20+ years and tend to reside at our sanctuary for an average of 7 years before finding their new homes, we are limiting ourselves to 1-2 CONFIRMED female geese at any one time.

You will have to do the catching part, but we may be able to take the duck or goose, provided we can confirm they are female before their arrival (usually using video/audio). Find how-to information here: Waterfowl Rescue Info

Canada geese and wild Mallards often have Angel Wing. This is where the wing muscle flips outward on one or both sides. Above is a photo of a domestic Toulouse gander with this condition on both sides.
This condition is NOT caused by a break or injury and the animal is not in any pain. This deformity can either be genetic or a result of malnutrition when the bird was young.
Wild waterfowl who have Angel Wing often cannot fly, or fly very far. Unless the duck or goose is in immediate danger, however, wildlife rehabbers probably won't be able to assist unless YOU can safely capture the animal. DO NOT do this without contacting them prior! Need help finding a rehabber: Wildlife Rehabber