Micro Mini Duckywinks Games!

Game: The first player to launch all of their duckywinks into the grassy duck yard wins--Bonus if you can get them into the kiddy pool!
Tin includes: 24" ball chain necklace, 1 duck charm, 1 duck figurine, 20 duckywinks (4R, 4Y, 4G, 4B + 4P launchers) and one itty-bitty instruction booklet.
Minimum Donation: $20.00 includes shipping!
Tin Cover Color options:
MM#1: White vertical tin featuring Steve & Eve (black background) cover ducks.
MM#2: Black vertical tin featuring Steve & Eve (black background) cover ducks.
MM#3: Pink horizontal tin featuring Steve & Eve (white background) cover ducks.
MM#4 (Duckywinks-WWH): White horizontal tin featuring Steve & Eve (white background) cover ducks--no more available.

Micro Mini Gooseywinks Games!

Game: The first player to launch all of their gooseywinks into the grassy goose yard wins--Bonus if you can get them into the kiddy pool!
Tin includes: 24" ball chain necklace, 1 goose charm, 1 goose figurine, 20 gooseywinks (4R, 4Y, 4G, 4B + 4P launchers) and one itty-bitty instruction booklet.
Minimum Donation: $20.00 includes shipping!
Color Options:
MM#5: Black vertical tin featuring Sheldon (black background) cover gander.
MM#6: White vertical tin featuring Sheldon (black background) cover gander.
MM#7: White horizontal tin featuring Jabberwocky & Yolanda (white background) cover geese.
Micro Mini Music Box Necklace!
ONLY 1 LEFT! Will Customize with a photo of YOUR DUCK on the inside cover!

Description: This teeny Micro Mini Tin Necklace (24") features an itsy-bitsy music
box! We're not sure what song the music box is playing, but it's quite charming!
We will have you email us a photo of your duck in order to customize the inside of this tin cover just for you. Photo should be clear, sharp and bright and able to crop into a rectangular shape.
Minimum Donation: $35.00 includes shipping!
Micro Mini 4 Living Creatures Necklace!

Description: Cover artwork inspired by and the descriptions of the high order of angels found in the Ezekiel and Revelation chapters of the Bible. You will find elements of the Seraphim, Cherubim and Ophanim/Galgalim in this unique depiction.
But... Instead of the human portion of the four living creatures, a DUCK has been swapped in to sit with the lion, ox and eagle! This is as angelic as it can get and can be used as a special treasure box, a prayer box, or even a memorial tin for little ducky feathers.
Tin Includes: 24" bead chain necklace, 1 mini hour glass necklace with a rainbow wing charm, 1 miniature glass bottle with cork for little feathers (seal with glue afterwards), 1 memorial magnet, 1 angel wings ring (adjustable) and 1 little white lily.
Minimum Donation: $25.00 includes shipping!
*Colors/styles of items inside tin may vary slightly from photo.
Micro Mini A Couple of Charmers Necklace!
MM#10A & #10B
#10A: Lounging Ducks

#10B: Runner Ducks

#10C: Rouen Ducks

Description: This little Micro Mini Tin necklace (24") features a couple's set of wine charms along with a take-along duck and an itsy bitsy glass of wine. This ought to get the conversation rolling on date night! (Warning: Do NOT let the duck drink and drive).
Tin includes: 2 wine charms, 1 red or white wine (magnetic) and 1 duck (magnetic).
Minimum Donation: $25.00 includes shipping!
*Colors/styles of items inside tin may vary slightly from photo.
Micro Mini Muscovy Poker Necklace!

Description: This little Micro Mini Tin necklace (24") features cover playing card artwork inspired by Billy-Cha!
Tin includes: 1 tiny jar with itty-bitty card charms and 1 teeny weeny dice.
Minimum Donation: $20.00 each includes shipping!
*Colors/styles of items inside tin may vary slightly from photo.
Micro Mini Sheena Takes The Runway!

Description: This little Micro Mini Tin necklace (24") features Sheena taking the runway in her little Sheena T-shirt. Perhaps you'd like to get an autograph?!
Tin includes: Mini composition book, mini pencil and mini Sheena charm!
Minimum Donation: $25.00 each includes shipping!
*Colors/styles of items may vary slightly from photo.
Micro Mini Sheena's Art Kit

Description: This little Micro Mini Tin necklace (24") features Sheena donig a bit of painting with her webbed footies!
Tin includes: 1 real and usable watercolor paint palette (with magnets on back), 1 little paintbrush, 1 mini jar of 12 actual, tiny crayons (with magnet on bottom) and 12 paper tags to use as canvases for your precious artwork!
Minimum Donation: $30.00 each includes shipping!
*Colors/styles of items may vary slightly from photo.
Micro Mini Birds of a Feather (Featuring Sheena)

Description: This little Micro Mini Tin necklace (24") features a colorful rainbow Sheena on the cover and our rescued Toulouse gander Angelo "The Airplane" with a Flamingo on the inside.
Tin includes: 1 duck (magnet), 1 rainbow rose (magnet), 1 rainbow slice of cake (magnet) and 1 "Sending you piles of smiles" magnet.
Minimum Donation: $25.00 includes shipping!
Micro Mini Lil Ms. Bee Mural

Description: This little Micro Mini Tin necklace (24") features our Majestic Lil Ms. Bee memorial mural (and a couple of art reviewing Pekin ducks on the inside cover)!
Tin includes: 1 little brown duck (with magnet), 1 bumble bee magnet and 1 enamel duck charm.
Minimum Donation: $25.00 includes shipping!
*Colors/styles of items may vary slightly from photo.
Micro Mini Magnetic Ducktionary

Description: This little Micro Mini Tin necklace (24") features fFun magnets (20 mil) especially designed for mothers and fathers of pet ducks and geese! Create fun sentences, stories or even a bit of waterfowl poetry! Tins come in a few random colors and sticker arrangements, but are all basically the same. (Sorry, no color choice available).
Tin Includes: 240 magnets!
Minimum Donation: $35.00 includes shipping!
*Colors/styles of items may vary slightly from photo.
Micro Mini Rudy's Take-Along Zoo
MM#17 White Cover
MM#18 Orange Cover

Description: This little Micro Mini Tin necklace (24") was inspired by Kim's maiden name "Hobbes." Of course, no tiger is complete with out a friendly duck or two! The ducks who modeled for this piece are actually both Rudy of @ducksmakegreatpets fame on Instagram!
Tin includes: 1 duck, 1 stick fence, 1 tiger, 1 rhino and 1 giraffe!
Minimum Donation: $25.00 includes shipping!
*Colors/styles of items may vary slightly from photo.