Waterfowl Sanctuary makes no representation, warranty,
or guarantee in connection with any guidance provided on
this website. Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary expressly
disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or
damage resulting from its use or for the violation of
any federal, state or municipal law or regulation with
which such guidance may conflict. Any guidance is
general in nature. In addition, the assistance of a
qualified professional should be enlisted to address any
specific circumstances.

Articles About Waterfowl: Care and
Feeding of Ducks and Geese
Providing a Proper Diet
for Your Ducks & Geese
Predator Proof Pen Diagram & Instructions
Re-Visiting Feed Options
UK Feed Options
Feed Companies, Feed
Options & Tips
More on Feed Companies &
Feed Ingredients
Ducky Wheely Carts
Basic Duckling & Gosling
Basic Duck & Goose Care
Dietary Probiotics
Probiotic Packets
Dietary Recommendation
for Soft Eggs
Soft Eggs / Oxalic Acid
& Calcium
Make Your Own Spill-Proof
Water Bowl
Toxic Plants to Avoid
Water Testing Kits
Caring for Ducklings &
Caring for Aging Ducks &
Feathers & Molting
How To Build a Predator Proof Pen
Keeping Snakes Out of Your Pen
Keeping Snakes Out of Your Pen, Part 2
Rodent Control, Part 1
Rodent Control, Part 2
Rodent Control, Part 3
Avoiding Fencing Injuries
How To Make a Duck Wheelchair
How To Make a Duck Wheelchair, Part 2
Getting a Stubborn Duck to
Eat Food (Article: Mercy, Please Eat Something!)
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Articles About Waterfowl:
Responsible Waterfowl Ownership
Wild Vs. Domestic (Feral) Muscovy Ducks
Determining A Duck's Gender
Filial & Sexual Imprinting
Proper Catching & Handling of Ducks & Geese
Safely Transporting Ducks &
How to Manage a Multiple Drake Flock
A Pair of Boys
Introducing Ducklings & Goslings to Adult Birds
The How-To of Goose
Taming Aggressive Geese
Kiddie Pool Safety
Filtrating Your Waterfowl
Duck & Goose Toys & Enrichment
Surgical Booties for Webbed Feet
Naughty Boys!
Handling the Cold Part
Handling Freezing Temperatures
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Articles About Waterfowl:
Waterfowl Ailments and Diseases
Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary makes no representation,
warranty, or guarantee in connection with any guidance
provided on this website. Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary
expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for
loss or damage resulting from its use or for the
violation of any federal, state or municipal law or
regulation with which such guidance may conflict. Any
guidance is general in nature. In addition, the
assistance of a qualified professional should be
enlisted to address any specific circumstances.
How To Handle a Predatory Attack
/ Emergency Care!
Consumption II
Tube/Syringe Feeding
Stopping a Blood Feather From Bleeding
Hardware Disease
Lead Poisoning
Zinc Poisoning
Zinc Poisoning II
Nature's Toxins (natural
Consumption of Toxins & Poisons
Medical Information
Diagnostic Chart
Together or Alone? (Euthanasia decisions involving a
bonded pair of birds)
Recognizing a Contaminated Lab Test
Products for Joint Troubles / Usana
Products for Staph Infection Surgery / Tricide
Products for Healthy Intestinal Flora /
Avi-Culture Probiotic
Products for Healthy Intestinal Flora / Manna
General Health Concerns
Life Expectancy of Domestic
Ducks & Geese, Part I
Life Expectancy of Dometic Ducks & Geese, Part II
Vitamin D Overdose
Dehydration (coming soon)
Cancer (coming soon)
Tumors (coming soon)
Integumentary System: Skin
Frost Bite, Part II
Muscovy Ducks & Red Facial
Bee Stings
Fungal/Bacterial Infection (coming soon)
Necrotic Tissue (coming soon)
Bruising (coming soon)
Integumentary System: Bills
Bleeding Bill
Broken Bills
Prosthetic Bills
Abnormal Bills
Deformed Bills
Swollen/Blistered Bills
Integumentary System: Feathers
Wing Feather Clipping
Follicular Cyst
Stopping a Blood Feather From Bleeding
Oil Gland Issues
Oil Gland Infection
Poor Feather Quality
Procedure for Improving Wet Feather Problem
Feather Lice
Musculoskeletal System: Hips, Legs, Feet & Toes
Bumblefoot: Swollen or Black Foot Pads
Bumblefoot Revisited
Broken Toe Nail / Torn Webbing
Broken Toe
Broken Leg
Slipped Tendon
Arthritis and Joint Care
Staph Infection (coming soon)
DMSO Treatment Pros vs. Cons (Joint Treatment)
Ducky Wheely Carts
Musculoskeletal System: Wings & Tails
Angel Wing
Figure 8 Wing Wrap Instructions
Wry Tail
Musculoskeletal System: Head, Neck & Abdomen
Wry Neck
A Duck Without a Voice (Throat Care)
Reproductive System: Male
Exposed Penis / A Dangling Organ Hanging Outside Your Drake's Vent
Testosterone Overload
Reproductive System: Female
Reproductive Disorders In Hens
Obturator Paralysis
Egg Binding Part I
Egg Binding,
Part II
Soft Eggs / Calcium
Gluconate Treatment
Oviduct Prolapse
Oviduct Prolapse II
A Duck in Drake's Feathers
Reproductive System: Females & Males
Ducky Gender Bender Part I
Ducky Gender Bender Part II
Vent Infection & Irritation (coming soon)
Over-Mating (coming soon)
Nervous System: Eyes & Ears
Blind Flock
More on Blindness (Duck Communication)
Cataracts, Part I
Cataracts, Part II
Eye Injuries
Dry Eye: Feather Loss Around
the Eyes
Sticky Eye
Hearing Impairment (coming soon)
Nervous System: Brain & Spinal Cord
Neurological Disorders
Seizures & Vomiting /
(Poison Ingestion)
Head & Spinal Trauma
Zinc Poisoning
Zinc Poisoning II
Lead Poisoning
Hardware Disease
Respiratory System
Aspergillus II
Aspergillus III
Aspergillus Levels
Air Sac Injury
Pneumonia & Aspiration Pneumonia
Chronic Respiratory Disease (coming soon)
Digestive System
Crop Issues
Loss of Appetite I
Loss of Appetite II
Overweight / Diet
Stomach Aches, Bacterial Infections & The Importance
of Culturing
Poopology (What IS and IS NOT Diarrhea)
Malnutrition (coming soon)
Internal Parasites (coming soon)
Capillary worms
Coccidia I
Coccidia II
Gape Worm
Tape Worm
Trichomonas gallinae
Gizzard Worms (coming soon)
Tube/Syringe Feeding
Urinary/Renal System
Liver Disease (coming soon)
Kidney Disease
Circulatory System
Heart Disease
Heat Stroke I
Heat Stroke II
Cardiomyopathy (coming soon)
Endocrine System
Endocrine Disorders (coming soon)
Diabetes (coming soon)
Lymphatic/Immune System
Immune Deficiency: In Elderly, Hatchlings and Special Needs Waterfowl (coming soon)
Systemic Infection (coming soon)
Avian Flu
Duck Virus Enteritis (coming soon)
Newcastle Disease (coming soon)
E. Coli (coming soon)
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Articles About Waterfowl: Wild
Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary makes no representation,
warranty, or guarantee in connection with any guidance
provided on this website. Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary
expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for
loss or damage resulting from its use or for the
violation of any federal, state or municipal law or
regulation with which such guidance may conflict. Any
guidance is general in nature. In addition, the
assistance of a qualified professional should be
enlisted to address any specific circumstances.
Helping Wild Ducks/Ducklings & Geese/Goslings
Feeding Waterfowl at Your Local Ponds
Reel In Your Fishing Line!
Humane Canada Geese Control

Utilizing humane methods and procedures, No Geese Today will
visit you throughout the year to discourage Canada Geese from settling on
your property. Unlike other organizations No Geese Today can
proudly say: "We have never hurt a bird!"
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© Majestic
Waterfowl Sanctuary 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 |